Blade Runner

Revealing mistake: After the snake lady is dead, eyes open, Deckard rolls her head from camera right to camera left. Her eyes move. (00:59:15)

Revealing mistake: When Zhora dresses in Taffy Lewis' club she puts on high-heels. Later during the chase scene and when she flies through the windows, she is wearing normal boots. And when she is shot the second time, her right hand holds a control, probably for the blood bags on her back. (00:54:20 - 00:57:45)

Blade Runner mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Near the beginning of the film when Deckard and the other cop take off in the car to go to the police station, you can see the cables lifting the car up into the air. (00:10:05)

Revealing mistake: Near the end, just before Deckard goes into the final showdown apartment complex, a police car lands and asks Dekkard who he is. Deckard tells him and as the police car takes off, the strings holding it are painfully obvious. (01:27:40)

Blade Runner mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Leon and Deckard are fighting in the street, Leon swings at Deckard and puts a hole through a steel vessel where steam blasts out. It's clear that the spot where Leon hits has been cut out and is visible before he hits it. (01:02:15)


Revealing mistake: As Zhora is crashing through the last window, after being shot by Deckard, there are dark pads visible around her lower arms. In few shots before, these are visible whilst crashing, but not whilst she is running or falling. (US theatrical version). (00:55:50)

Revealing mistake: When Deckard has the dream of a unicorn, it races towards the camera and you can see its horn. The horn is wobbly, revealing it's just stuck to a regular horse. [Note: this has been cleaned up for the Final Cut release, but can still be seen in earlier versions of the film.] (00:42:45)

Quantom X

Revealing mistake: When Dekkar retires the snake lady a spinner hovers overhead telling people to move on. At the back of the spinner you can see the cable that it's suspended from.

Revealing mistake: There are at least two rain related problems in the city exterior shots: it's noticeably misaligned when Rick and Gaff are outside Leon's apartment building (towards the right it falls straight down, yet towards the left it falls at an angle). The second is when Gaff encounters Rick and the now dead Baty on the hotel roof; despite previous shots showing no awning or any type of cover above said roof, Gaff is visibly dry and actually standing in front of the rainfall, only getting wet when he steps into the background.

Audio problem: Deckard investigates the maker of artificial reptiles; an Abdul somebody. It's obvious that the dialogue was added as neither actor is in sync with the sound. The end of the scene has the storekeeper's voice telling Deckard the information he was seeking while Deckard's mouth is the one moving. Deckard's mouth continues to move even after Abdul's lines are finished and the scene cuts. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:48:45)

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Batty: It's not an easy thing to meet your maker.
Tyrell: What could he do for you?
Batty: Can the maker repair what he makes?

More quotes from Blade Runner

Trivia: In the scene where Ford and the other policeman take off in a police car, there is a shot of the inside of the car showing a computer screen with a flashing word "purge" on it. The screen was originally used in "Alien" when Ripley set off the shuttle to escape from Nostromo. (00:10:30)

More trivia for Blade Runner

Question: I'm aware that there is debate on whether or not Deckard was a replicant, but as I was watching the movie, I couldn't see any clues as to why anybody would think this. Did I miss something obvious? Why do people think this?

Answer: The two most notable hints are as follows. The first (which is only in the Director's Cut) is that after Deckard dreams of a unicorn, Graf makes an origami unicorn and leaves it at Deckard's apartment. Some people interpret this as suggesting that they're aware of the memories that have been given to Deckard to prevent him realising his true nature. The second hint is that replicant eyes glow in certain lights - at one point in the film, Deckard's eyes can be seen glowing in the same fashion. Ridley Scott has stated on several occasions that, as far as he's concerned, Deckard is a replicant, but he does concede that they deliberately left it as somewhat ambiguous - the viewer should decide for themselves.


Answer: Rachel asks Decker at one point if he had ever taken the replicant test himself, and he doesn't answer. Even though the movie itself doesn't seem to stress the point, in the book on which the movie is based "Do androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", the question of whether the protagonist detective is an android is the main theme.

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