Joy Ride

Revealing mistake: During the scene where the tractor trailer truck crashes through the ice truck in the field, you can tell that the ice truck has been lengthened to make this possible.

Continuity mistake: After Fuller and his brother get the CB put on their car, they head out on the highway. You can see that the film has been reversed. The yellow line are on the right side of the road, and Paul Walker and the steering wheel are on the right side of the car. (00:11:15)

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Fuller Thomas: Do what I do. Just remind yourself that in a hundred years you're gonna be dead. It's the closest thing I've got to a philosophy.

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Trivia: Eric Stoltz was nearly cast for the role of "Rusty Nail", but director John Dahl felt Stoltz didn't sound scary and intense enough so the part was given to Dahl's first choice, Ted Levine.

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Answer: For Fuller and Lewis, the best assumption is that he never actually left the first motel. He stayed at or near the motel, followed them to the police station, and then continued following them up untill the point where he makes his presence to them known again. Or he also could have just parked his rig somewhere far down the road and waited for their car to pass him, and at which point he would start following them. And for Charlotte, he probably just followed Fuller and Lewis all the way to the college, saw Charlotte, and then kidnapped her while she was leaving.

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