Joy Ride

Plot hole: The incident at the hotel happens in the town of Table Rock, Wyoming. Aside from Table Rock not having any hotel, the drive from Table Rock to Boulder, Colorado is only 4 1/2 hours. Unless they're crawling, why is this trip taking two days? The film uses real life locations and town names. The rest of the film is justifiable as Rusty controls the game, but the first act of the film's timeline is messy.


Plot hole: Fuller is supposed to be heading to Denver, but after picking up Venna in Boulder he inexplicably stays on even after telling Lewis just before this that he was not going to be going home with them.

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Suggested correction: Fuller had fallen for Venna and was simply staying around in case he got lucky and could sleep with her.

Continuity mistake: After Fuller and his brother get the CB put on their car, they head out on the highway. You can see that the film has been reversed. The yellow line are on the right side of the road, and Paul Walker and the steering wheel are on the right side of the car. (00:11:15)

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Rusty Nail: I was just playing.

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Trivia: Eric Stoltz was nearly cast for the role of "Rusty Nail", but director John Dahl felt Stoltz didn't sound scary and intense enough so the part was given to Dahl's first choice, Ted Levine.

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Question: Could someone please explain the ending of this movie? Am I right when I conclude that Rusty Nail planted the Ice Truck guy's body in the driver's seat and then got away leaving cops to think the Ice Truck guy was the killer? I think I'm missing something here because that ending would be ridiculously unrealistic. Thank you.

Jeanne Perrotta

Chosen answer: That's exactly what happened leaving room for the sequel, if they make one.

T Poston

But the kidnapped girl-Charlotte-would have told the police what Rusty Nail did and what he looked like. And, since Rusty Nail would have fled on foot, he would have been easy to find. Also, in order to pull off this stunt, Rusty Nail would have needed to find a way to floor the gas pedal. Finally, it would be easy for the police to identify who owned the truck Rusty Nail crashed into the motel. He either owned it or the owner of the truck knew who was driving it.

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