Big Daddy

Big Daddy (1999)

27 mistakes

(12 votes)

Audio problem: At the park, when Sonny is talking to his two friends, Julian throws a stick in the path of a rollerblader. The scene closes with a laughing Julian proud of the fact that he tripped the poor rollerblader. We hear the blader (off-screen) yell out "G**d**n stick!" This is clearly Adam Sandler's voice (most likely dubbed in during post-production).

Continuity mistake: When Sonny and Layla are reading Julian the bedtime story, Julian's position on the pillows changes during the changing of the angles of the camera.

Continuity mistake: In the courtroom scene, Julian and Sonny embrace in a hug with Sonny's right hand over his left hand behind Julian. As they speak to one another the camera angle changes and shows Sonny's left hand on top of his right.

Continuity mistake: When Sonny and Julian are in the park holding up signs for the rollerbladers, the homeless guy that wanted the sausage McMuffin with hash browns came through, and crashed into a pole. This causes the homeless guy to roll to the edge of the rock near the pond. But in the next shot, he is standing up next to his cart. (01:05:10 - 01:05:40)

Revealing mistake: When Sonny puts the newspaper over the puddle of milk, notice it doesn't get wet at all. Newspaper very obviously gets wet when exposed to liquids.

Continuity mistake: When Sonny is giving Julian a bath, in the shots where Julian is closest to the camera, you can see a wide gap between the bath and the camera and even the side of the bath tub, as if it's in the middle of the room. In the shots behind Sonny, the bath is right next to a brick wall.


Sonny: I know this is the right thing because I would die for this kid just so he won't feel one ounce of sadness. That's why you're here right now, to protect me, to be scared for me to be a good father. And that's exactly what I'm gonna be.

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Trivia: Julian was played by twins Cole and Dylan. You can tell which twin is in a scene as Cole has a mole on his left cheek which is paticularly visible in close up.

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Question: When Mr. Brooks states that Sonny lied about being Kevin Gerrity to get custody of Julian, he says it's a big problem in this state. Why do so many people do that in New York (as opposed to other places)?

Answer: Maybe I'm misinterpreting the line, but I thought "big problem" in this context meant that the state would aggressively pursue criminal charges against Sonny for his actions, as in it's his big problem to deal with now.


But in that context, wouldn't it be a "big" / serious problem in any state? I can't imagine that most states would be easy-going about it. He seems to mean that it happens a lot in New York, but I might be wrong.

Other states would certainly be aggressive in that situation, but given that Mr. Brooks is an employee of the state of New York, he could just be emphasizing how much trouble Sonny is in.


Fair enough. Sonny might have thought that it was OK for him to pretend to be Kevin, since he is good friends with the real Kevin.

Mr. Brooks was being facetious by specifically saying "big problem in THIS STATE." Obviously Sonny knows what he did was very wrong and illegal. It would be like if you were driving in a different state and didn't stop at a stop sign. The cop might say "I know in your home state the stop signs are optional but here in Texas you're required to stop at the sign."

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