Plot hole: In the Banker's Office, Bond takes the strap from one of the window blinds to facilitate his escape. Overlooking the large quantity of cable he ties round the belt of the villain and his own belt, there must be an awful lot of strap for one blind to allow him to drop from that high up to the ground (well over 50ft?).
Plot hole: When the hole is blown in the facade of the MI6 headquarter we first see flames and small debris - and then comes one more blast. Where did that come from? The money-bomb had already exploded and blown the hole in the building.
Plot hole: When Bond takes the short cut in the Q boat it jumps over a brick wall that leads to the end of the water where the London canoe club is based, meaning that the canoeists only have approx 50m of water to canoe in unless they scrape the canoes bottom away by going over the wall. Not much of a club, even for London!
Answer: It's a variation on the "standard" James Bond theme.