The World is Not Enough
The World is Not Enough mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Watch for the boom when the cigar girl's Volvo boat swipes the building. It's on the top left of the screen on the widescreen version.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Bond is at the caviar factory at one point he takes a tumble down a set of wooden stairs. As Bond falls down the stairs we see the actor's face and it is obviously a stunt double.

Factual error: At the beginning of the film, with the boat chase down the River Thames, Bond manages to get from the Vauxhall HQ of MI6 to Docklands in a remarkably short time. To travel the distance in the time that it takes him, you would need to be going at about 700 mph.

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Christmas Jones: Doctor Jones. Christmas Jones. And, no jokes. I've heard them all.
James Bond: I don't know any doctor jokes.

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Trivia: In the opening sequence, with the speedboat jetting through the boathouse and over the road, was filmed in Wapping, East London. It took a week to film that one sequence, as I saw them doing it. Also, for the matter of continuity, when the boat goes across the road, it goes into some sort of alley with an arch above it. In reality, it's actually a Group 4 building on the other side of that road.


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Question: When Bond first enters Zukovsky's casino, there's a tune playing on a saxophone in the background. Can anyone make out what tune it is? It sounds really familiar.

Answer: It's a variation on the "standard" James Bond theme.

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