Beauty and the Beast

Continuity mistake: When the Beast is shown falling into despair after scaring Belle away from the West Wing, the pieces of rock on the ground have all either changed position or appeared out of nowhere from the shot when Belle first saw the enchanted rose.

Continuity mistake: When Cogsworth falls down the stairs while trying to stop Maurice from going into the room, a lot of his clockwork falls out and lands on the stairs. But in the next shot, it's all gone.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where the villagers try to imprison Maurice, there is a lot of snow on the stairhandle. When Belle comes out later crying "My father's not crazy", the snow is gone.

Continuity mistake: When Belle enters the West Wing, there are no candles next to the door. Later, Gaston enters with his bow, and now there are several candles next to the door.

Continuity mistake: During the fight scene at the end, knives are thrown at the villagers. Nobody is hit, but three knives get stuck in the left kitchen door. The villagers open both kitchen doors and, from the inside of the kitchen door, there are only two knives, each stuck in the right kitchen door.

Continuity mistake: When the Beast is waiting for Belle to come to dinner, there is a fireplace with statues of lions on either sides and a pillow next to one of them. However, a few seconds later, the pillow is now in front of the statue.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Maurice's Rube Goldberg-ish woodcutting invention works for the first time, we see the piece of wood fly over onto the stack. There is no window there or anything made of glass for that matter, yet in the next shot we hear glass breaking from the wood flying over there.

Continuity mistake: At the end of the Provincial Life song, Gaston is singing from among the crowd and he doesn't have his gun. He climbs up the side of the building without his gun, but when he pops out of the window onto the roof he has his gun. When he pops in front of Belle on the street, the gun is gone again. (00:07:05)

Continuity mistake: When Beast is grieving in the rose room before Gaston shows up, the chair has a missing piece of fabric on the left side. When Gaston shoots the arrow, the fabric is now fixed.


Continuity mistake: In the opening song sequence, there are three blonde girls singing about Gaston next to a water pump. But in a front shot of Gaston walking through the city as they sing, it is a barrel, not a pump, that they are gathered around.

Beauty and the Beast mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There are 2 different designs for Gaston's chair that alternate all the time: one covered in dark fur with V-shaped antler armrests, and another with a lighter coloured fur with S-shaped antler armrests. Also, both antlers on each side of the backrest differ slightly.


Continuity mistake: When Maurice first enters the castle you can see that the carpet leading to the staircase is very long. When Belle enters the carpet is shorter.

Continuity mistake: When Gaston says he'll make Belle his wife a woman with a grey colored hair suddenly appears out of nowhere in the close-up. (00:07:58)


Continuity mistake: When the three girls first see Gaston, the fountain is pouring loads of water into the bucket. A shot later the water has suddenly stopped and the girl in red has the bucket raised up to her waist.


Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Potts puts Chip into the cupboard, the handles change style and colour: from gold to black. Also, the carvings on the wood become blue painted for a brief shot.


Beauty and the Beast mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Belle is taking her book back in a basket at the start of the film, its colour changes from red to blue, back to red, then purple in the book shop owner's hand, then finally red on the shelf. (00:03:00)

More mistakes in Beauty and the Beast

Gaston: The whole town's talking about it! It's not RIGHT for a woman to read. Soon she starts getting ideas, and THINKING...!

More quotes from Beauty and the Beast

Trivia: Gaston's socks strongly resemble the logo of the Boston Red Sox baseball team.

More trivia for Beauty and the Beast

Question: The timing of the Beast's curse has always confused me. The movie states he has until the rose wilts completely to break the spell, and that said rose will bloom until his twenty first year. So was the Beast's deadline his 21st birthday or would the rose begin to wilt on his 21st birthday and he would then have only a little under a year (judging from how much time appears to pass in the film) till all the petals fell off?

Answer: The Rose started wilting at The Beast's 21st birthday and could have presumably started wilting years before the first time we saw a petal fall off. Given the fact that Lumiere stated that they were living with the curse for 10 years, prince Adam could be 23-24 years old at the time of the original movie,13-14 at the time of the curse, and the Rose could have been wilting for two to three years. This is my best guess given the approximate age of Prince Adam in the ripped up portrait before he was the Beast.

Answer: I would assume it would be until his 21st birthday, as that is really the 21st year since his birth. After his 21st birthday he'd be older than 21.

Android Kaeli

More questions & answers from Beauty and the Beast

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