Beauty and the Beast

Factual error: There's a scene where Belle's father is riding away in the snow on his horse - the tracks left behind by the horse are exactly backwards. The round part of a horseshoe is at the front, not the back. (This was a deliberate 'in joke' done by the animators.)

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Suggested correction: It is Belle who rides the horse in the snow, not Maurice. If we're talking about this being a mistake, then it could be a deliberate mistake, but if this was truly done as an in-joke, then I think it falls more under trivia. The tracks being backwards is factually incorrect, but it doesn't really fall under the category of "mistake" if it was deliberately done as a joke.


Continuity mistake: During the song "Gaston", Le Fou ties a belt around Gaston's neck and Gaston pops it off with his neck muscles, but then it disappears from the floor.

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Suggested correction: No, it doesn't. Gaston puts the belt in his chair.

Beauty and the Beast mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Belle is taking her book back in a basket at the start of the film, its colour changes from red to blue, back to red, then purple in the book shop owner's hand, then finally red on the shelf. (00:03:00)

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Gaston: How can you read this? There's no pictures!
Belle: Well, some people use their imagination.

More quotes from Beauty and the Beast

Trivia: When Gaston has his feet on the table at Belle's house, a bit of the mud strongly resembles Mickey Mouse's head. This follows the long standing Disney tradition of having "hidden Mickeys" in their movies.

More trivia for Beauty and the Beast

Question: Does Chip really have as many siblings as there are cups in the kitchen? Seems a bit too many, and also they aren't seen as real children at the end of the movie.

Answer: The servants in the castle are transformed into enchanted objects because of the spell, but there are still plenty of other objects in the castle which were not originally people.


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