Beauty and the Beast

Factual error: There's a scene where Belle's father is riding away in the snow on his horse - the tracks left behind by the horse are exactly backwards. The round part of a horseshoe is at the front, not the back. (This was a deliberate 'in joke' done by the animators.)

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Suggested correction: It is Belle who rides the horse in the snow, not Maurice. If we're talking about this being a mistake, then it could be a deliberate mistake, but if this was truly done as an in-joke, then I think it falls more under trivia. The tracks being backwards is factually incorrect, but it doesn't really fall under the category of "mistake" if it was deliberately done as a joke.


Factual error: In the "No One's Great as Gaston" song (in the tavern) Gaston uses his blunderbuss to shoot three holes (three separate shots) in a barrel of beer. But a blunderbuss is a single-shot weapon. He would have to shoot, reload, shoot, reload, and shoot. (00:27:40)

Factual error: After Gaston stabs the Beast in the fight sequence, there is no blood shown on the knife. [This is a longstanding Disney animation tradition. The House of Mouse seems to believe that onscreen violence is less traumatic if all evidence of it disappears quickly. Thus, you rarely see blood and when it IS seen it's usually minor, even if the wound isn't minor.] (01:16:15)

Continuity mistake: Belle opens the door outward so Gaston falls out, but after she throws his shoes at him, she slams it shut from the inside. (00:18:00)

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Beast: I want to do something for her - but what?
Cogsworth: Oh there's the usual things. Flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep.

More quotes from Beauty and the Beast

Trivia: Though not revealed in the movie, the Prince's name is Adam. At the New Orleans Disneyworld, the Princess hotel rooms have portraits of each Disney prince. The 'Beauty & the Beast' prince is shown in human form and his name stated underneath as 'Prince Adam.' In addition, the officially licensed Disney Fisherprice 'Little People' sets include 'Belle and Prince Adam.'

More trivia for Beauty and the Beast

Question: The timing of the Beast's curse has always confused me. The movie states he has until the rose wilts completely to break the spell, and that said rose will bloom until his twenty first year. So was the Beast's deadline his 21st birthday or would the rose begin to wilt on his 21st birthday and he would then have only a little under a year (judging from how much time appears to pass in the film) till all the petals fell off?

Answer: The Rose started wilting at The Beast's 21st birthday and could have presumably started wilting years before the first time we saw a petal fall off. Given the fact that Lumiere stated that they were living with the curse for 10 years, prince Adam could be 23-24 years old at the time of the original movie,13-14 at the time of the curse, and the Rose could have been wilting for two to three years. This is my best guess given the approximate age of Prince Adam in the ripped up portrait before he was the Beast.

Answer: I would assume it would be until his 21st birthday, as that is really the 21st year since his birth. After his 21st birthday he'd be older than 21.

Android Kaeli

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