Avengers: Endgame

Continuity mistake: In the final battle, Wasp and Ant-Man are in the van trying to get the quantum tunnel operational. We cut back to the fight and we can see Ant-Man there too, fighting in his giant form. (02:22:20 - 02:23:00)

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Suggested correction: He needed to hot-wire the van. It's quite possible he could have left the van for parts (he's seen slamming a Leviathan to the ground) or to protect it. It also could have been an illusion by one of Dr. Strange's people.


Sorry but the suggested correction makes no sense. For one Dr Strange's people have no idea what Ant-Man looks like, and secondly Ant-Man would have no idea where to get parts from in the middle of a battlefield, let alone know if alien technology would be compatible. Also the time frame given when the scene plays out allows no time for him to leave the van, this is a legitimate mistake.

Dr. Strange's people don't know what Ant-Man looks like? He entered the battle with them long before they went to the van. Earth has had access to the same Leviathan parts since the original Avengers. If Toomes can make wings out of it in Spider-man Homecoming, it's possible he can figure something out. Clint had passed the glove to Black Panther before Ant-Man is seen in the background. There was plenty of time. He also could have been defending the van while they brought the glove.

There is plenty of time for Ant-Man to have left the van and returned to it. As the scenes play out, Ant-Man and Wasp are in the front of the van trying to hot wire it. The film then cuts to the battle for several minutes, as we see the passing off the gauntlet, which includes the brief shot of Giant-Man in the background. A few minutes later the film cuts back to the van and we see Scott opening the rear door of the van. So there's plenty of time for him to have gotten out of the van, saw potential trouble with the Leviathan, turned into Giant-Man to stop it while letting Hope finish activating the tunnel, and then returning to check the final settings. Now, all this raises another question that has to do with the apparent ease Giant-Man has in traversing the battlefield, as in why not just give Scott the gauntlet, have him turn into Giant-Man, take a few steps over to the van, and then shrink back down to take the stones back in time?


Avengers: Endgame mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Hulk eats breakfast with Cap, Nat and Scott, the crepe on the top is cut in two. In the next shot it's in one piece, then in two again. (00:38:30)


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Suggested correction: The crepe is cut in two in every scene. The angle in the middle scene, does not show the cut as prominently as the first and last scene.

The mistake is valid. It's after the kids wanting the picture are leaving that you see the crepe is intact. You see the crepe from the same camera angle when the Hulk agrees to the picture and it's in half. In fact, in the shot of the crepe intact, it's completely differently coloring with less browning spots, so it's a different prop altogether.


Factual error: New Asgard is in Tonsberg, Norway, but was filmed in Scotland. The truck Hulk and Rocket use to get there has a UK licence plate (SW61 5PN), whereas Norwegian plates use two letters followed by 4 or 5 numbers. Plus the pizza boxes in Thor's house have a phone number in UK format (01632 960776) not Norwegian. In fact, the 01632 area code is specifically designated for fictional use in the UK. Norwegian telephone numbers use fewer digits. (00:48:50)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Thanos is being questioned about where the stones are, Captain Marvel has her arm wrapped around his neck in a headlock and War Machine is holding onto his right arm. Just as Bruce goes to push Thanos over, both Captain Marvel and War Machine suddenly do not have their hands on him. There is no reason that they would have let go of him. Nor would there have been enough time for them to let go of him in between shots. (00:18:10)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: In the first Avengers film Steve lost his helmet after the battle and got dirty, with a damaged suit and battered face, but here while they are arresting Loki he has the helmet on and the suit is intact and clean. Can't be that he cleaned himself up, because in the Avengers post-credit scene eating shawarma (after arresting Loki), Cap's suit is still dirty from the battle. Can't be that he got changed before heading down (and why would he?) because in the shawarma scene from the first Avengers movie he's still in his damaged/dirty suit after everything.


Continuity mistake: When the camera is panning over the entire army on the Avengers' side for the first time, Captain America is standing in front of everyone, and his shield is intact and round again, while Thanos broke it earlier. The next time we see it, it's back to being broken.


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Suggested correction: The top half of his shield was broken off. When he is standing in front of Thanos' army, you can only see the bottom, intact half.

No no, the mistake is about the wide shot where you only see Captain America really small. He has a full shield there (as he is just CGI).


Continuity mistake: When Thanos gets the Iron Gauntlet, he has armour on his right arm. When he fights Captain Marvel, the piece of armour disappears from one shot to another so his arms are free to put on the Gauntlet. (02:28:45)

Audio problem: When the Ancient One is explaining to Bruce that taking the Time Stone will affect their reality, there is a shot from behind the Ancient One where she says "Millions will suffer", but her mouth doesn't move when she says the line. (01:24:20)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the Avengers return from the quantum tunnel with the stones, their order is Hulk, Tony, Steve, Clint. But seconds later this changes to Hulk, Steve, Clint then Tony. (01:55:18)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, when Thor is speaking with Valkyrie about being the new Queen of Asgard, his beard is trimmed and much shorter. In the next scene aboard the ship with the Guardians when he and Quill are arguing about who is in charge, Thor's beard is back to how long it was earlier in the film. (02:40:20 - 02:41:45)

Continuity mistake: When the Avengers are discussing where Thanos might be, Steve tells Tony that he fought him. In the shot where Tony says "Who told you that", his right hand is holding onto the robe he is wearing. The camera changes angles and his right hand is now shown touching the table. It then cuts back to Tony, where his right hand is touching the robe again. (00:10:39)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Tony begins to walk back to his house carrying his daughter, he is holding the Iron Man helmet he made for Pepper, by the top of it. In the next shot, he is suddenly holding the side of the helmet. (00:33:55)

Casual Person

Other mistake: Scott arrives in the park and sees hundreds of memorials listing people who were killed by Thanos. In the first close-up shot shown of one of the memorials, the name Norbert Lamey can be seen five rows from the top on the right hand side. The camera then pans to Scott walking in front of the memorial to the right of it. The name Norbert Lamey can be seen repeated on the opposite side of the memorial Scott stands in front of. (00:24:25)

Casual Person

Avengers: Endgame mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Nat reunites with Barton in Tokyo to tell him about the plan, whilst he says "Don't give me hope", there are a few wet strands of hair shown going over his fringe. It then cuts to Nat, then back to Barton. In the second shot of Barton, the hair across his fringe is suddenly a lot more messier. (00:57:15)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When the Ancient One is showing Bruce the flow of time, a projection of the Infinity Stones are shown rotating around the flow of time she projects. Just as Bruce says "Because once we're done with the stones...", the projection of the Space Stone is shown rotating away from Bruce and more towards the Ancient One. The camera changes angles, and the Space Stone is now closer to Bruce, and is shown rotating past the same area it did in the previous shot. (01:24:30)

Casual Person

Avengers: Endgame mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the Hulk scene at the diner, once Scott takes the picture of the kids, in the frontal shots he is holding the phone with his right hand and hands it to them, while the reverse shots don't match - egregiously noticeable when he says "I don't want a picture with them" waving an empty right hand. (00:38:05)


Continuity mistake: When Tony takes off the Nano Arc Reactor and places it on Steve's hand, he drops to the ground. Captain Marvel is shown in the back of shot, raising her hands slightly as if she is preparing to catch him. It then cuts to a wide shot where her hands are suddenly at ease. (00:12:15)

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: When Tony gets to the Avengers facility and talks with Steve, the sun on the floor changes between shots. (00:45:50)


Thanos: I am... inevitable.
Tony Stark: And I... am... Iron Man!

More quotes from Avengers: Endgame

Trivia: The man talking to Cap at the support group about his date is Joe Russo, one of the directors of the movie.

More trivia for Avengers: Endgame

Question: What happened to Loki? Does this mean he's now alive?


Answer: The Loki from the original timeline is dead, but the 2013 Loki that is imprisoned on Asgard is presumably alive and well, and the 2012 Loki that escaped with the Tesseract is alive and supposedly, this version of the character will be the focus of his own upcoming Disney+ series.


Answer: The Loki who escaped is in a different timeline, so he will not encounter the "main" versions of the characters. This version of Loki will appear in the new series.

More questions & answers from Avengers: Endgame

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