Bob Parr: Why would they change math?
Violet Parr: I hate superheroes, and I renounce them.
Screenslaver: Supers are no longer in control... I am.
Winston Deavor: Help me bring supers back into the sunlight. We need Elastigirl.
Rick Dicker: If you wanna get out of the hole, first you gotta put down the shovel.
Dashiell 'Dash' Parr: Wait, I thought you renounced superheroes.
Violet Parr: Well, I renounce my renouncement.
Screenslaver: You don't talk, you watch talk shows.
Helen Parr: I missed Jack-Jack's first power!
Bob Parr: Actually you missed his first seventeen.
Edna Mode: Done properly, parenting is a heroic act... done properly.
Answer: What happened to Syndrome happened high in the air, Elastigirl mentions she can't see whats going on and panics. They never actually see what Jack-Jack is doing and think Syndrome is hurting him.