
Factual error: In the scene where Cousin Avi takes Bullet Tooth Tony's Desert Eagle, he unloads on the dog & kills Tony by accident. He shoots a total of 10 shots, but Desert Eagle .50's only hold 7 in the clip & one in the chamber. He never reloaded his gun.

Factual error: At the end of the film when Turkish and Tommy are at the spot where the caravan site use to stand, some police officers come and ask them what they are doing. When the police officer shows his badge which is held in a leather wallet, the badge he shows is one of the royal crest and in London a police officer carries a badge with portcullis symbol on.

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Turkish: We've lost gorgeous George
Brick top: Well where'd you lose him? He ain't a set of fucking car keys is he?

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Trivia: Not a mistake, but a little extra. When we first see Doug the Head in the bar drinking and getting his lunch, the man on the right, reading the newspaper is director Guy Ritchie.

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Question: Turkish is always going on about ''Ze German's''. Is he referring to the War?

Answer: Basically, yes. He says it once when he discovers Tommy is carrying a handgun, which are not at all common in England, where they are outlawed. More the kind of thing a Brit would expect from a war-hungry Nazi. Later on he refers to it again just to mess with Tommy.

Rooster of Doom

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