Rush Hour 2

Visible crew/equipment: When Carter is fighting Zhang Ziyi, she thrusts a sword into his coat. For a split second, there is a shot where a man is crouched down behind the statue on which Carter is against, looking up at Carter and Zhang Ziyi. (01:13:45)

Visible crew/equipment: When Isabella tells Lee and Carter "they think I'm a crooked customs agent", right next to Carter's face is a crew member reflected in the window.

Visible crew/equipment: When Carter and Lee are sitting in Carter's black Corvette, Carter says, "Lee, Snoopy is six inches taller than you," and you can faintly see the reflection of the boom mic in the windshield on Carter's side of the car.

Visible crew/equipment: Lee is hiding out in the back of the bar at the beginning while Carter is on the stage. Lee's cover is blown and you see him walk into the restroom. A camera man is reflected in the mirror.

Kevin Brown

Visible crew/equipment: When Carter is fighting Zhang Ziyi, she thrusts a sword into his coat. For a split second, there is a shot where a man is crouched down behind the statue on which Carter is against, looking up at Carter and Zhang Ziyi. (01:13:45)

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Carter: How come there ain't no black people singin' in this hotel?
Casino attendant: We've got Lionel Ritchie performing tonight!
Carter: Lionel Ritchie ain't been black since the Commodores, man!

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Trivia: During the scene where Zhang Zhiyi gets knocked out and Chris Tucker calls her, "a crazy a$$ b&%*h", that take was taken around 20 times due to the fact that Tucker was very conservative in trying to make up something to insult Zhang Zhiyi but not too bad. The director finally pulled Tucker aside and convinced him that he HAD to say something very insulting because of Zhang's character. And that's how the last take and the final cut for the insult was done.

William mar

More trivia for Rush Hour 2

Question: What does Hu Li say in Chinese near the end, when she is holding the bomb that is about to blow up?

Answer: 两个王八蛋 (You two bastards), 你不就要我们死 (You wanted us to die), 现在我自己来,我来了! (Now I do it myself, I am here!) 我现在主动来了! 我来了!(I am doing this on my own now!).

Answer: She says 'we'll go together, inspector'.

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