Rush Hour 2

Trivia: During the scene where Zhang Zhiyi gets knocked out and Chris Tucker calls her, "a crazy a$$ b&%*h", that take was taken around 20 times due to the fact that Tucker was very conservative in trying to make up something to insult Zhang Zhiyi but not too bad. The director finally pulled Tucker aside and convinced him that he HAD to say something very insulting because of Zhang's character. And that's how the last take and the final cut for the insult was done.

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Trivia: Notice in the scene where Carter and Zhang Ziyi are fighting. Zhang tries to stab Carter, but he blocks it with a roulette wheel. She stabs the Green 00. Lucky, eh?

Trivia: In the scene where Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are running on the highway with trash can lids covering their unmentionables, they really had to do that. There was no way to close the highway so they had to run on the highway with actual people in the cars....not just extras or empty cars.

Trivia: Some of the fake money made for the production ended up being stolen from the set by extras. Several of those extras later attempted to pass off the money as real. As a result, the FBI had to briefly investigate the film's production.


Continuity mistake: When Carter and Zhang Ziyi are fighting, Carter is wearing alligator skin shoes (brown). However, when Ziyi thrusts the sword at Carter and Carter falls back on a chair raising his feet, you see him wearing black running shoes with a white sole.

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Isabella Molina: I'd put that knife away, bitch, before you have an accident.

More quotes from Rush Hour 2

Answer: "Give me money or I won't drive. Pay me, pay me, pay me" and "now you're speaking my language."

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