Rush Hour 2

Revealing mistake: When Inspector Lee was running through the casino, his hands are bound together with tape. When he tumbles across a gambling table, his hands come apart. When he completes the tumble, he quickly puts his hands together again. (01:09:00 - 01:10:15)

Revealing mistake: When Chris and Jackie are singing the Beach Boys song in the car, look at the steering wheel. When Chris Tucker begins to dance for a brief moment you can see that there is no key in the ignition. (00:02:30)

Revealing mistake: When Lee and Carter are left hanging on the Chinese bamboo, Lee says, "It's very strong." Look closely at Carter's left arm, there is a safety wire running from the bamboo, down Carter's sleeve.

Revealing mistake: When Inspector Lee was running through the casino, his hands are bound together with tape. When he tumbles across a gambling table, his hands come apart. When he completes the tumble, he quickly puts his hands together again. (01:09:00 - 01:10:15)

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Carter: Now gimme a hundred-thousand in chips, and a diet pepsi and some hot wings!

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Trivia: In the scene where Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are running on the highway with trash can lids covering their unmentionables, they really had to do that. There was no way to close the highway so they had to run on the highway with actual people in the cars....not just extras or empty cars.

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Answer: "Give me money or I won't drive. Pay me, pay me, pay me" and "now you're speaking my language."

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