Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: When Marty and Doc arrive in the bad 1985, they learn that 1985 has changed and are told that alternate versions of themselves exist. Alternate Doc has been committed and alternate Marty is at a boarding school in Switzerland. Nice movie trick to keep them from running into their alternate selves. Question though, isn't the 1985 at the start of this movie also an alternate 1985? This too has been altered from the original 1985 as seen at the beginning of the first movie. So, where are the alternate Marty and Doc in the timeline when Marty's family is actually upper middle class? Since this is an alternate 1985 as well, where is "rich" Marty? Why didn't he bump into his other self, the Marty that owns the black pickup truck?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: We see the alternate Marty depart for the past at the end of the the first movie. As for Doc, as he's simply lived through the thirty years from when the timeline was changed, rather than jumping through time to get there, he actually is the alternate Doc.


Question: Who is the old lady at the auction with Raoul? I thought it was Madame Giry because that is what the announcer called her but the age doesn't make sense so I thought that it might be her daughter, Meg. Anyone have the answer?

Answer: It is Meg. If she didn't marry then she would have kept her maiden name of Giry. Mme Giry was about 20 years older than Raoul so that would have made her in her 90's.

Question: Boris used the first time jump device to go back in time to 1969. J used the second one. You see throughout the movie that J has his with him for obvious reasons. But you never see what happened to Boris' device. So what did he do with it?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He probably just put it in his pocket until he needed it again to go back to the present. Most likely, it would have been destroyed when 2012 Boris was killed after he was burnt by the space shuttle.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: It's because it's a computer generated image. Renesmee, Edward and Bella's daughter, grows almost three times as fast as a normal human child would, maturing in about seven years. To achieve the effect, a young actress was used for the motion capture and the as the framework for what Renesmee would look like at various stages of her development. CGI effects have come a long way, but it's still imperfect and can look unnatural.


Question: After the first Pentagon scene, the G.I. Joes are on drop ships flying to go get a nuke. Who are the other Joes in the ship with Duke, Roadblock, Mouse, Flint, and Jaye? (00:07:10)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: I believe three are named as Grunt, Clutch and Tunnel Rat in the script and credits.

Chosen answer: It isn't exactly clear. Four days out into the Pacific, some noise, possibly an explosion, wakes Pi in the middle of the night. Pi goes out in the midst of a severe storm to explore what happened. Some have suggested that, at this point, he inadvertently leaves a water tight door open which allows storm water to enter the lower levels.


Question: When John's infamous vest comes out and we can see his shoulders, he appears to have a scar on the front of one of his shoulders. Is this a genuine scar from earlier in Willis' life or was it put in by the makers of this film to add to the character? As far as I'm aware they never reference it in the film, which makes me think it is a genuine real life scar.

Answer: The scar is real and runs about half the length of his arm. It is a surgical scar from an operation he got at 17 to fix complications from a broken arm.


Question: O says that back in Cape Canaveral, in the unaltered time line, something happened to K that changed him. All that's really said though, is that he stopped and arrested Boris the Animal there. So what exactly was it that changed K?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He saw J's father murdered by Boris. In the unaltered timeline, J says that his father wasn't around. We see this at the end and it's also why J was recruited into the Men In Black. K was keeping an eye on him the whole time.


Question: The terrorists' attempt to obtain the three Cerberus pass-codes was a major plot point. After they obtained the first two, the third was apparently somehow obtained without it being provided by the president. How?


Chosen answer: They had a computer hacker, Lim, trying to hack the code the whole time. She finally succeeded.

Quantom X

Question: I don't know whether this is a mistake or if there was a certain reason for it but, at the end of the movie when Maximus tells Quintus to free his men, Quintus turns to the line of guards standing behind him and says, "Free the prisoners, go!" Two of the guards standing next to each other immediately go to free the prisoners, and the rest of the guards don't budge. How did those two guards know that the orders were given directly to them?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Because they would be the ranking soldiers, and accustomed to being given orders. Being disciplined, they would obey Quintus without question. The legions would necessarily have soldiers assigned to following orders at different times, similar to how a captain would give an order to a full room, and the first mate would be the one to carry out the order.


Question: What is it about the moon being destroyed that caused loads of earthquakes and tsunamis?

Casual Person

Chosen answer: The moon's own gravity affects the Earth, most notably in the form of ocean tides. Over the eons a balance has been established between the two celestial bodies. When the moon was destroyed, that balance was thrown out of whack and the Earth basically adjusted itself. Sort of like if you hold a ball bearing to the inside of a bowl near the top with a magnet on the outside; remove the magnet and the ball bearing suddenly drops and careens around inside the bowl until it finally comes to a rest at the bottom. That rolling around would be analogous to the earthquakes and tsunamis that resulted from the moon's destruction in this film.


Chosen answer: Starting at middle C on a piano move up one scale. He plays D and E together, moves up a scale and plays D and E together again, then backs down to play A and B together.

oddy knocky

Is this combination of notes an Easter egg of some kind?

Question: The scene where Maria and the children sing 'The Lonely Goatherd', there is a girl singing: 'One little girl in a pale pink coat heard' and 'She yodeled back to the lonely goatheard' (nearly at the end, the second time this is in the song). Who is singing here: Brigitta or Louisa?


Chosen answer: This line occurs 2:15 into the song. We see the singer is Brigitta (dark hair), played by Angela Cartwright, and not blonde Louisa, played by Heather Menzies.


They stated 'the second time' which implies the time that the verse is sang by the 'goat' family. In which case you can't see who is singing. You can only see who sings it the first time these words were spoken.

Question: How in the world was Kiddo allowed to bring a sword that length onto a plane and have it right beside her at her seat?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Tarantino has said that he intends Kill Bill to exist in a slightly different world than the real one. In this world weapons are more commonplace and can be freely carried. If you notice, on the plane there are actually little holders on all the seats for people to put their swords into.

Question: There are marked similarities between Cole's present day asylum and his future world, such as the showers he receives, and the scientists/doctors. What is the significance of these parallels? Do they have a hidden meaning?

Answer: It is meant to draw similarities between the treatment of the mentally ill and convicted felons. Quite often, even today, the mentally ill are housed and treated in facilities that are little better (for quality of life or prospects of rehabilitation) than prisons.

Question: Dylan finds out Daniel took his phone during the interrogation and made a clone. At exactly which point in the movie did the Horsemen manage to get the phone back to Dylan? (01:13:20)

Chosen answer: At the same time - they had the clone ready before going into the interrogation and made the swap then. They kept the original.

Rajani Isa

Answer: Bane actually freed the prisoners at Blackgate Prison, not Arkham. The Joker's whereabouts are never revealed, but the novelization states that he is the lone inmate at Arkham. Realistically, the Joker probably would have received the death penalty for his crimes sometime between the 8 years that have passed between films.


Chosen answer: Purely a creative decision, but based on the tone of this question I don't suppose you're honestly after an answer so much as you are just looking for someplace to express your distaste.


Because Schumacher wanted to base the suits on Greek sculptures hence the nipples. Don't forget Robin's shorts or Batman wearing different colored cowls in the comics, perhaps this was a nod to that.


Question: In the chase scene that shows Dylan and Alma chasing the four Horsemen through New Orleans, Dylan runs onto a street where there is a huge crowd and loads of people throwing beads off their balconies. Why they are doing this? (01:05:30)

Chosen answer: In New Orleans, during Mardi Gras, there are parades, and huge crowds partying. People on balconies throw beads to women if they "flash" them.


Chosen answer: It is never really defined. It is just presumed to be some sort of tubular seaweed or algae which ultimately will consume (either literally or allegorically) he who consumes it.


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