
27th Aug 2001

The Skulls (2000)

Corrected entry: After all the trouble they went through to steal the surveillance tape from the library (why wouldn't they just keep it in their own building, by the way), it would take an absolute moron to take that tape to the cops without making at least one copy. At least two of the characters knows just how widespread the Skulls' influence is, so anyone with half a brain would make sure they had some evidence.

Correction: Character mistake, not a movie mistake.


25th Mar 2003

Die Hard (1988)

Corrected entry: Any glass in modern office buildings is tempered glass. This kind of glass breaks into tiny, rounded pieces with semi-smooth edges. If you were careful you could easily walk on it without injury. John should not have had splinters of glass in his feet.

Correction: Not all the glass on the floor is from the windows. Some is from the computer screens and copiers that Karl and Hans smash up along with the windows. Besides this, McClane did not exactly have the time to be careful, since he was trying to get to a place of safety while making sure there were no criminals still around who would shoot him.


1st Sep 2005

Identity (2003)

Corrected entry: The cop dies instantly when stabbed by Ray Liotta whilst in the cop car. Yet in the next shot from the outside view, the stunt driver steers the car to a stop.


Correction: There is nothing in the scene that indicates that the policeman died instantaneously. We see him get stabbed, jerking from the shock and the impact of the blade, and then the camera goes to the outside view. The policeman may have lived some seconds or even minutes after the stabbing, and would have stopped the car to get out.


27th Aug 2001

Hollow Man (2000)

Corrected entry: Kevin Bacon gets blood thrown on him and it disappears within seconds. Ever try washing your hands after a nosebleed? It isn't that easy.

Correction: I have never had problems washing away blood from me (and I get frequent nosebleeds), especially when it is still relatively fresh. And in Sebastian's case, we don't know for sure what he does after he kills Sarah, as the action switches to Linda and Matt at this point. But it is not unlikely that this high-tech research facility that deals with among other things radiation would have a radiation burn shower readily available. Such a shower would have sprayed Sebastian's entire body within seconds, removing the blood in a short time, making him ready to go back and lock Linda and Matt in the freezer.


17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: After Clayton gives Burke's name the door to the class opens. Clayton uses the other door to stand, but you can see the door moves when he uses it to prop himself up as if it was never locked (either that or the interrogators are really stupid for leaving the door unlocked). (00:46:55)

Joel Gordon

Correction: Or the small cell door unlocks automatically when the big door opens, since there is no point in keeping it locked then.


17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: Why would the CIA be interested enough in Clayton to have Layla mark him in the first place? According to Burke CTs that wash out of the farm are hired to other positions in the CIA anyway. If it's surprising to find Clayton there, they should have enough common sense to find out who hired him (Burke) so they shouldn't be surprised later to find out that Burke was the traitor.

Joel Gordon

Correction: She doesn't mark him to begin with. Her mission is to attempt to smuggle out ICE-9 from Langley, to check for security breaches. It is not until Clayton starts asking questions and snooping around in her computers that she reports him as a threat. And the only reason she is surprised to see Clayton at Langley is because she herself is new, and does not know of the routine hiring of washed out recruits.


13th Nov 2003

BASEketball (1998)

Corrected entry: As Joe "Coop" Cooper is in his car travelling to the airport, a song (played by Parker and Stone's band, DVDA)is heard. Some of the lyrics are "You've got some yellow crumbs on your upper lip" Just after this, Coop looks in the rearview mirror and brushes his bottom lip.

Correction: He just brings his hand up to his mouth while looking in the mirror, you never see him actually brushing any part of it. To me it looked as if he was surprised to see the crumbs actually there and thought about brushing them off, but he was distracted when the song goes on to singing about his genital warts.


19th Sep 2003

BASEketball (1998)

Corrected entry: When Ted Denslow is telling Coup that people only have attention spans measured in nanoseconds, the scene switches to Remer, who is amazed at a yellow bird. You can see the bird is only a few centimetres away from him, and his head is at a slight angle. Yet when we turn back to Ted and Coup, you can see Remer in the background, still looking at the bird, but this time he is looking straight up and the bird is alot further away from him than before. Afterwards, when the crowd get out of control, Remer is nowhere to be seen.

Correction: The shot where Remer is in the background happens several seconds later. All he would have to do is move one or two steps to a new position in this time. As for him disappearing later on; well, that just illustrates further how short his attention span is. He would have noticed something new (the wildly partying crowd, perhaps?) and moved on.


29th Oct 2005

The Exorcist (1973)

Corrected entry: The movie establishes its own rules regarding the reality of the physical abuse suffered by the Regan character. Apparently, all the evil manifestations and physical damage suffered by Regan is real, for she has the scars at the end of the movie to show it. This shows that they are not just a mental trick played on the others by the 'demon'. So when Regan turns her head completely around at two different points in the movie, the actual physical damage she suffered should have killed her. You could even hear bones cracking during the sequence, suggesting that she was indeed going through some extreme physical suffering. Even if the 'demon' kept her body 'alive' with his special powers even though it should have been dead, Regan should have died moments after the 'demon' left her body and invaded Father Karras'.

Correction: Not exactly. Job 1:12 says "And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand". This is usually interpreted that the Devil (or demons) can not kill humans, even though they may tempt us, or wreak havoc with our lives (although they may make other humans kill us - bit of a loophole there). So Pazuzu had to keep her alive during any potentially lethal damage, such as the head-twist, and heal her back after it was done. The other injuries were superficial, and keeping them would increase the "fun" Pazuzu had with the family. And besides, Pazuzu would want to keep Regan alive in pure self-interest. He knows there are times he may have relinquish control of the body for a while, and would not want to come back to a broken "toy".


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film, when the T-1000 controlled police helicopter bears down on the SWAT truck, look closely at the T-1000 while he is driving and you can see a third hand steering while he is firing his gun.

Correction: This has been corrected several times, and is listed both on the "corrections" page and under "trivia". The T-1000 is a shapechanger, he can grow extra appendages when he needs to.


27th Aug 2001

Scream 3 (2000)

Corrected entry: When Gale and Dewey are pulling books off the shelf a book falls right in Gale's face. You can see the very surprised look on her face - it wasn't meant to happen.

Correction: Even if it was not meant to happen according to the script, it is a natural occurence that would give most people a surprise. Nothing wrong with that happening in a movie.


5th Sep 2003

Ever After (1998)

Corrected entry: Nicole is said to be engaged to "a Belgian," but Belgium did not exist until 1830. The political regions at the time of the story (early 1500s) would have been Flanders, Brabant and Liège.

Correction: True, but the PEOPLE Belgians existed. They were the descendants of the Celtic tribes in the area, who had since the Roman era been known under the common monicker "Belgae". Julius Caesar even refers to them in his memoirs, calling them the bravest of the three Gallic tribes.


27th Aug 2001

Broken Arrow (1996)

Corrected entry: Kelly (Howie Long) was supposed to die early on in the film, but Woo rewrote it so he was in it till the end.

Correction: Not a mistake. Trivia, maybe, but there's nothing wrong with discrepancies between original script and final movie.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Frodo is in Rivendell, after he's been healed, and he's looking over the railing into the valley. The railing comes up to his waist. This would make the railing much too short for the elves. Since the elves built Rivendell, shouldn't the railing come up higher on Frodo?

Correction: This has already been corrected. At this time, Bilbo has lived in Rivendell for some time, and it is clear he intends to stay the rest of his life. The Elves have simply been corteous enough to build hobbit-sized quarters for him, and it is in these Frodo wanders after he wakes up.


3rd Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Tree House of Horror XII - S13-E1

Corrected entry: In the leprechaun short episode, a lot of things attend the wedding, including Kang and Kodos, the space aliens. One of Kang/Kodos starts crying and says: "I always secrete ocular fluid at weddings." Yet, in another clip episode, the space aliens invade Homer's Roasting Hour. Lisa thinks they're crying, but they say that they are vomiting from their eyes. Yet, in this episode, one of them starts to cry.

Correction: The key words here are "they say". We have no idea if they are telling the truth or if they are crying when they tell this to Lisa. Besides this, we also have no idea about how the bodies of the aliens work. It could be that both their crying AND their vomiting takes place through the same channels (the tearducts).


18th Sep 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Gump Roast - S13-E17

Corrected entry: When Homer starts to remember all the memories he has had with the Simpson family car, one of the clips is actually from an episode in which Homer was stealing Moe's car which isn't the family car.

Correction: Homer is not exactly the most intelligent person in the world. Mixing up two different instances that involved cars and driving is quite natural to him.


27th Aug 2001

B.A.P.S. (1997)

Corrected entry: In the bar scene at the beginning of the movie, the clock behind the bartender is shown repeatedly over a five minute span. It is constantly 9:25.

Correction: So the clock has stopped. Happens from time to time with even the best clocks.


17th May 2004

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: Zack kind of stands out like a sore thumb wearing that hood in the middle of Union Station, just so we don't know his identity until later.

Joel Gordon

Correction: Character decision, I'm afraid. Zack is an inexperienced NOC agent, and makes mistakes like this.


4th Jun 2003

The Recruit (2003)

Corrected entry: When Al is talking about being from Florida, he says the name of a town where he grew up. He pronounces it "OAK-LA" when it's pronounced "O-KAL-LA". The correct spelling is OCALA.


Correction: But we also know that Burke is a liar about most things; and during the lie detector test he also admits that Burke is not his real name. If he has a false identity, why not also have a false background story to go with it?


Corrected entry: Considering how many hundreds of bats were trying to bust into the bar, there's an awful lot of empty space to move around in and turn your back on. Since the vampires' human forms are bigger than the bats and the swarm of bats filled the hall nicely, that bar ought to be packed wall to wall. (01:23:20 - 01:30:45)


Correction: First of all, not all the bats necessarily turn into vampires. There could be some hundred bats that were just bats, and would consequently take up less space. Secondly, it depends on what kind of vampires they were. Since you never see any of them turn from bat into vampire, there is also the possibility that they resemble Bram Stoker's Dracula in that sense, and that one single vampire does not turn into a single bat, but rather a swarm of them (which does not decrease their total mass, but spreads it around). If, say, one vampire becomes 20 or 30 bats, there should be enough room for them when they regain their humanoid form.


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