
While You Were Sleeping - S1-E2

Other mistake: When Sherlock was slapped, he later says he was surprised because the girl who slapped him was a "lefty." Then he rubs his right cheek and says it's leathery from all the slaps he's gotten, while the left is soft. This is backwards - anyone hitting him with their right hand would hit his left cheek.

Cathrine R

Dead Man's Switch - S1-E20

Other mistake: Near the end of the episode Dr. Watson states, "Look at the time, happy 'real' anniversary." - referring to Sherlock's one year anniversary of sobriety. The scene then cuts to a flip clock. However, the clock is set to 12:07 PM - not AM as it would be if a new day had begun. (00:41:20)

The Leviathan - S1-E10

Other mistake: When Sherlock and Watson look at the coffee order from the trial it has the names of the 4 jury members who robbed the vault. Not the original men that did the robbery.

Red Light, Green Light - S7-E4

Other mistake: The crash at the start is staged - the semi truck is driving at 20/30mph, is T-boned by the van, and stops instantly. No screech of brakes, no allowance for the driver's reaction time. In the shot of the impact it's moving at barely walking pace, hence being able to stop so quickly.

Jon Sandys

Possibility Two - S1-E17

Character mistake: They are in the interrogation room questioning the fiancé of the scientist Natasha when the captain says, "the blood we found at the scene of your fiance's murder, it didn't belong to Bobby Cordero." The characters name was Benny Cordero, which the captain says correctly a few lines later. (00:33:25)

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The Grand Experiment - S2-E24

Trivia: When Mycroft mentions a conversation between Sherlock and their father that he once overheard, the content of said conversation is how Sherlock describes Mycroft to Watson in "The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter."

Cubs Fan

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Answer: I'm the same person who asked this question. I discovered it was Molly Price whom I recognized from Third Watch.

Cathrine R

It should be noted Donna was Jim Fowkes‘ secretary. Donna killed Peter.


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