Bobby Elvis: Summer of love might be over, ese, but killing the mother charter's VP? Might wanna rethink that move.
Falx Cerebri - S2-E6
Polly Zobelle: Charge me or get out.
David Hale: [Picks up a shard of glass] Tell you what I'm gonna do. I slice open my arm, and charge you with aggravated assault on a peace officer. You'll do a three year pop in the San Joa dyke lodge - no questions asked.
Chosen answer: John Teller (Jax's father). "Piney" Winston (Opie's father). Lenny Janowitz. Keith McGee (President of the Belfast charter). Wally Grazer. Thomas Whitney. Chico Villanueva. Otto Moran (not to be confused with Big Otto Delaney with the eye-patch). "Clay" Marrow (though not a founding member).
Thank you.