Savage Land, Strange Heart (1) - S3-E8
Character mistake: The sign advertising the New York City Comic Con has "NUFF SAIDI" written on the bottom. The second "I" in "said" is supposed to be an exclamation point. (00:04:39)
The Phoenix Saga (4): The Starjammers - S3-E6
Character mistake: When Raza is firing the recalibrated stun ray at the X-Men, the control panel misspells "target" as "tareet." (00:08:10)
Character mistake: When Beast discovers that Iceman has escaped from the containment device, he takes several steps in the room before he even realizes that Iceman is gone. The device was not obscured by anything, so Beast should have realized as soon as he entered the room that Iceman was gone. (00:11:30)
Character mistake: When the two security guards are arguing over whether heat or humidity is worse, one guard says "It's midnight, and it's still 97°." However, moments before that the same security guard checked the temperature on his computer and it indicated it was 85°.
Savage Land, Strange Heart (1) - S3-E8
Character mistake: When Zaladane is placing the Garrok necklace around Karl Lykos' neck, she incorrectly refers to Garokk as "Garokkt." She's Garokk's high priestess, so she should definitely know his name. (00:04:12)