Stupidity: It makes no sense why the staff or the guests would serve the wine to Natalie from where the dead body was being stored. The guests and staff go about cleaning up after he died to avoid any trace of him ever coming to the winery including putting his body in a large wine crate. Yet Natalie makes the discovery that the weird smell (of aftershave) from the wine which leads to the police discovering the body. There is no reason to serve her that wine. It was a vineyard after all - they had plenty of wine and as the staff was in on it, they could have made that crate inaccessible to serve. (00:18:35 - 00:40:04)
Suggested correction: The guests and staff involved had nothing to do with which wine was being served. Sylvia was just a hostesses and Ricardo was just a waiter. They happened to dump the body in a cask of the new wine which was being taste tested. The wine expert, bartender, and other waiters weren't involved and didn't know there was a dead body in the cask.