King of the Hill

King of the Hill (1997)

3 mistakes in Shins of the Father

(6 votes)

Shins of the Father - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: In this episode only, Hank admires his father and defends, or dismisses, most of Cotton's bad qualities. As Peggy says: "You just cannot see your father for who he is." Throughout the rest of the series, Hank and Cotton's relationship is tense and unpleasant. In the episode "The Father, The Son, and JC" (Season Six), Bobby can't even find an old photo in which Hank and Cotton are both happy.

Shins of the Father - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When Hank is barbecuing and turns the steak over, there are four burgers on the grill. When he tells Bill that the steak is for his father, there are only three. (00:02:50)

Shins of the Father - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Bobby takes a bite of his brownie and leaves most of it on his tray when he starts to get up and the teacher comes over to talk about his attitude. A few seconds later, when he and Joseph start slamming their trays on the table, the brownie is gone. (00:17:45)

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