You Wish ('Shanghaied') / Gary Takes A Bath - S2-E11
Question: On "Shanghaied", I have seen this episode on TV with three different endings. The first one is the common one, where Spongebob wishes the Dutchman was a vegetarian. The second one is shown less, where Patrick gets the third wish. (He wishes for gum). The third, and least common, ending I have seen, Squidward gets the final wish (he wishes he never met Spongebob and Patrick, and then Spongebob says, "I don't believe we've ever met.") Is there a DVD where I can find the alternate endings?
Answer: Well, I've never heard about those other endings before, but I'm pretty sure the only DVD you can find the episode on (correct me if I'm wrong) is the Season Two boxset. I have seen the episode on this DVD before, and it only has the the common ending which you described. So I would say no.
Yes, it is available on the Sea Stories DVD with all three endings. That can be purchased online.