Corrected entry: Rita throws her wand down to earth and we see the red ball on the left hand side as it flashes. When the camera cuts out to show the ground falling away, the red part is now on the right.
Corrected entry: This happens until the end of series 3. Lord Zedd and Rita send down monsters to Angel Grove, in California. Yet when they cast their projectiles down to Earth (for example, with Zedd, a lightning bolt) they are seldom ever aimed even in the American continent.
Corrected entry: This happens mostly during the early series. Whenever the Rangers throw a flying side kick (the jumping one that they seem to be rather fond of), they do it all wrong. They throw the kick leg out from the start, while the kick is actually thrown with the leg chambered until the moment before impact. Throwing it the way that the Rangers do will jam your leg.
Corrected entry: When the Rangers, and Villains fire projectiles at each other (for example, energy blasts) the ensuing blast suggests they were hit. However, when played in slow motion, we can see that the explosions shoot up from the ground around them - they don't even touch the characters.
Correction: A) having to watch something in slow mo is not a valid mistake. B) Just because the explosion doesn't touch them it does not mean it will still throw them around and hurt them even if the bad guys do miss.
Corrected entry: Throughout season 1 - 3 the rangers call upon the zords. We then see them all get into their zords. However, when they go for the megazord, we see the saber tooth tiger, Triceratops, Mastodon and T-Rex all combine and form "tank mode." We then see inside the cockpit of the megazord at this stage and all 5 rangers are present. They then switch to battle mode whereby the megazord stands up and the Pterodactyl comes in and joins together creating the shield on the megazord's chest. However, up until the pterodactyl joins the others, Kimberly shouldn't be in the main cockpit as we've seen her in her zord.
Correction: The Pterodactyl zord sits on the shoulder section of the T-Rex, while in tank mode.
Correction: It's possible, and quite likely, that her Zord has some sort of autopilot. At the very least, that maneuver (which is identical every time) could easily be computerized.
Correction: The staff is traveling a quarter million miles. I don't think a half turn is that unlikely. Even if it didn't turn, all that would have to happen is the viewpoint to switch from one side to the other.
Greg Dwyer