Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

Food Fight - S1-E6

Revealing mistake: When Pudgy Pig is standing outside of the food packaging plant, a human hand can be seen sticking out of Pudgy Pig's wrist. (00:15:30)

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

Day of the Dumpster - S1-E1

Other mistake: After the teens leave the command center, Rita sees this and orders the creation of her Putties. Her henchman slaps down a few things of clay into a mold loosely, that then show the perfect figurines of the putties coming out of them. However with the shape of the mold, there is no way that the clay would come out in shapes like that or with that detail. (00:11:35)

Quantom X

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Suggested correction: Given that these are literal monsters and a witch living on the moon after being imprisoned for 10,000 years, I don't think we can say for certain what their machinery will do.


This is speculating too much. Practically making the same argument that it's OK because magic. The general physics of what is being displayed on the screen doesn't match up with how the clay fits into the mold even in the slightest.

Quantom X

What Quantom is saying is that they are using a press die to create the mold for the putties and no matter how you look at it, the volume of clay going into the mold is not enough to create the detail seen on the putties.


It's not just that, but the shapes don't match up at all. He does the equivalent of putting clay into a round hole and getting a square out of it.

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

High Five - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: As Bulk goes to start climbing the rope, Jason is standing behind him with his arms crossed and he has on his watch and wrist bands. After Bulk gets back up from falling, Jason's watch and bands have vanished. (00:02:55)

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers trivia picture

Trivia: Walter Jones (Zack the Black Ranger) is missing his left middle finger. If you look closely you'll see it missing at various times throughout the show. Particularly when he morphs (he's the only one that only has three fingers on top of the morpher).


Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

High Five - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: After the rangers accidentally teleport to the Command Center and are piled up together, Billy lowers his arm and is braced against Alpha. But once the camera cuts to a close up, he's got his hand on Zack's back. (00:04:33)

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

High Five - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: After Bulk's first attempt to climb the rope, falling to the mat on his butt, Kimberly and Zack are from the overhead view towards the bottom of the screen at the side of the mat. Kimberly is standing away from it, and Zack has one foot on. After Bulk stands up and there's a different angle, suddenly Kimberly and Zack are both on the mat right next to the rope. Jason, Billy and Trini also slightly change positions. (00:03:00)

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

Day of the Dumpster - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Bulk and Skull interrupt the Karate lesson and push Billy aside. A shot of Jason standing next to the wall has a painting of an umbrella right behind Jason's shoulder. Then when Bulk and Skull walk up to him, suddenly there is a good couple feet distance between him and the umbrella. (00:05:17)

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

Day of the Dumpster - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: After Rita is freed and blows up her dumpster prison, she taunts the astronauts and says she's going to destroy the nearest planet. She's making a hand gesture as she does and then suddenly between cuts she's in a different position. The goons beside her also are in different stances. (00:01:58)

Quantom X

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Suggested correction: It's not actually trapped there. He quickly fails that arm around again, then reaches down into that position to grab his weapon.

Quantom X

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers mistake picture

Power Ranger Punks - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: When Alpha is preparing the antidote for Billy and Kimberly after they are turned into punks, the cups change from being half full to having only a small amount of liquid. (00:13:30)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: When the Villains send their cronies (for example, Putties, Tengu Warriors, Cogs, Piranhatrons, etc.), their numbers constantly change from when they arrive, to when they leave. This is due to the use of Japanese footage used from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.

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Trivia: Tommy has been more colours than any other Ranger. He has been the Green, White, Red, and Black Ranger.

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Answer: Probably to save on costs of filming the same scene. In the reused shots they have always morphed so you can't see the actors. They just have to pay them to do voice-overs rather than the entire scene.


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