Doctor Who
Doctor Who mistake picture

The Three Doctors - S10-E1

Revealing mistake: (Part 4) After Omega takes off his mask and looks in the mirror, when he sees that his physical body doesn't exist he puts his mask back on and screams, but when he shouts, "If I exist only by my will, then my will is to destroy," Omega's mask pops up off his face, and we can see the actor's blackened face as he shouts the last bit of his dialogue. (00:07:10)

Super Grover

100,000 BC - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: Susan is supposed to be running through a forest. It is painfully obvious that, in fact, she is simply running on the spot against a back-projected film, and the branches that hit her are simply studio stagehands, hiding just out of shot, hitting the actress with twigs.

The Daleks - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: In episode one, when Ian notices the breeze, a wide shot of the forest shows the background dropcloth is moving. (00:02:10)

The Daleks - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: The supposedly heavy statue Ian drops down the lift to destroy the pursuing Dalek in episode four wobbles when he first touches it.

The Daleks - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: In the Dalek city, it is unfortunately obvious that the "tunnels" behind the actors are just photographic blow-ups, as you can see the bottom of the wall meeting with the floor.

The Daleks - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: There are numerous scenes where the background Daleks are blown-up photographs. The most obvious is in episode five when The Daleks are discussing the radiation drugs.

Doctor Who mistake picture

Earthshock - S19-E6

Revealing mistake: When the Cybermen break through to the bridge, they brush against the door and it bends as if made of cardboard. It was supposed to be made of reinforced steel. (01:09:10)

The Android Invasion - S13-E4

Revealing mistake: In order to save money filming the lift-off of Crayford's rocket from Oseidon, the producers decided to use stock footage of a Saturn 5 blast-off. Unfortunately, that meant the words "UNITED STATES" in large red lettering are seen on the side of the rocket...which is a little bit of a giveaway, especially as the rocket is supposed to be a BRITISH space probe.

The Robots of Death - S14-E5

Revealing mistake: Watch the scene where Uvanov sticks a Laserson probe into the head of one of the Vocs (V4) as it is strangling the Doctor. After he shoves the probe in, you can quite see the suit's helmet come away from the rest of the suit.

Matty W

The Happiness Patrol - S25-E2

Revealing mistake: When Ace and Susan are sitting underneath the huge pipe about to be executed by the Fondant surprise, it's obvious that the actresses aren't sitting directly underneath the pipe, but slightly behind it.

The Daleks - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: When the Thals are using sunlight to blind the Dalek cameras in Episode Six, wide shots of the Dalek city show it moving back and forth from bad matte combination.

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Planet of Giants - S2-E1

Trivia: This Doctor Who story was originally scripted and produced as a four-episode story, but, just two weeks before transmission, upon viewing the story, co-creators Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson felt that the final two episodes (Episode 3, 'Crisis'; and Episode 4, 'The Urge to Live') should be combined into a single episode. The new 'condensed' episode incorporated the opening titles of 'Crisis' with the closing credits of 'The Urge to Live'.

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Earthshock - S19-E6

Question: In Earthshock, season 19, at the end of episode 3, the Cyber Leader views his troops marching down the corridor. Each column is headed by a Cyber Leader. Is this a mistake, or is there more than one Cyber Leader allowed per army?

Answer: In 'The Five Doctors', three separate Cyberleaders are definitely used. So it's likely that Cyberleaders are like unit commanders, of which a fair-sized army might have several.

Daria Sigma

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