Norm: Next to Sammy's life, my life has always appeared dull. Then again, next to a barnacle's life, my life has always appeared dull.
Woody: How can Darth Vader be Luke Skywalker's father? They don't even have the same last name.
Sam: You drinking again?
Rebecca: Certainly not. I never stopped.
Frasier: Sam, I had the most incredible evening. Last night, I dreamed about something - not Diane. Well, she was in the background chattering on about something, naked, but the important thing is, I was a therapist again.
Coach: How's life treating you Norm?
Norm: Like it caught me in bed with its wife.
Adventures in Housesitting - S7-E11
Rebecca: Sheridan's in the kitchen with Satan!
Sam: This is no time for folksinging!
Cliff: Hey Carla, I have a potato that looks like Richard Milhouse Nixon.
Carla: Big deal. Show me one that doesn't.
Answer: Here is the source of the "WE WIN" photo: Brooklyn, of all places.