Movie Quote Quiz

Woody: What's shakin', Mr. Peterson?
Norm: All four cheeks and a couple of chins.

Woody: Jack Frost nipping at your toes, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Yeah, now let's get Joe Beer nipping at my liver.

Norm: Next to Sammy's life, my life has always appeared dull. Then again, next to a barnacle's life, my life has always appeared dull.

Sam: I've never met an intelligent woman I'd want to date.
Diane: On behalf of all the intelligent women in America, may I just say: whew.

Woody: Hey Mr. Peterson, there's a cold one waiting for you.
Norm: I know. If she calls, I'm not here.

Woody: How can Darth Vader be Luke Skywalker's father? They don't even have the same last name.

Sam: You drinking again?
Rebecca: Certainly not. I never stopped.

Frasier: Sam, I had the most incredible evening. Last night, I dreamed about something - not Diane. Well, she was in the background chattering on about something, naked, but the important thing is, I was a therapist again.

Coach: How's life treating you Norm?
Norm: Like it caught me in bed with its wife.

Rebecca: You're not letting your employees take advantage of you, are you?
Norm: Yeah, maybe a little bit. Yesterday afternoon the guys decided to just knock off early and go bowling.
Rebecca: So what did you do?
Norm: I broke 200. Personal high. It was great.

Norm: I have, on several occasions, been known to perspire a bit.
Carla: We could grow rice.

Cliff: Hey Carla, I have a potato that looks like Richard Milhouse Nixon.
Carla: Big deal. Show me one that doesn't.

Diane: Sam, may I have a brief word with you?
Sam: I suppose you could, but I doubt it.

Norm: I want something light and cold.
Carla: Sorry, it's Diane's day off.

Diane: He's trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Carla: He wants you to wear a padded bra?

Woody: Would you like a beer, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: No, I'd like a dead cat in a glass.

Woody: Pour you a beer, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Alright, but stop me at one. Make that one-thirty.

What's Up, Doc? - S7-E18

Plot hole: At closing time, Cliff, Norm and Woody spontaneously decide to go to Cliff's house. Sam then enters the bar after his date at Melville's. Later in the scene, Rebecca asks Sam about the 'Three Stooges', to which Sam sarcastically replies that they went to Cliff's house. But how could he possibly know that since he entered the scene after they had already left.

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Trivia: When they were deciding on what sport the character Sam Malone would play they originally chose football but ultimately decided baseball would work better.

Tobin OReilly

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Show generally

Question: Does anyone know whether the coloured-in photos, which appear throughout the opening titles sequence, are real or made up for the show? If they ARE real, when George Wendt's name appears there's a shot of a man holding a newspaper with 'WE WIN' as the headline - does anybody know what this referred to?


Answer: Here is the source of the "WE WIN" photo: Brooklyn, of all places.

Chosen answer: The pictures in the opening sequences are real pictures of people enjoying alcohol (from various dates), and are not meant to represent or include any of the cast members. The "we win" sign (most likely not a newspaper headline) is referring to the end of prohibition (1933) A fitting tribute to a show about drinking alcohol.

The word "Nazi" appears in the caption to a story underneath the headline. Maybe the headline refers to the Nazi surrender.

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