Angel mistake picture

City Of - S1-E1

Revealing mistake: In the last scene of the episode, Angel kicks the guy out of the glass building. This guy's a vampire, and you can see his reflection in the glass windows. Vampires aren't supposed to have reflections.

Angel mistake picture

Lonely Hearts - S1-E2

Revealing mistake: In the scene when Angel, a vampire, runs after the barman towards the end, after the barman has tried to pass on the demon to Kate and Angel stopped him, there is a mirror, and when Angel runs past it, he has a reflection. (00:38:20)

Angel mistake picture

To Shanshu In L.A. - S1-E22

Revealing mistake: In "To Shanshu in LA" in season one, as Angel is pulling out of parking lot to follow the W&H Trucks, you can see his reflection in his rear view mirror (vampires have no reflections). Also odd that throughout the first season the rear view mirror is removed in some episodes. (00:31:19)

Angel mistake picture

To Shanshu In L.A. - S1-E22

Continuity mistake: In Season One Finale, "To Shanshu In LA" when Wes is lecturing Cordy on wants and desires, the number of bites taken from the doughnut changes, in one instance it breaks in half, most visibly when Wes takes a bite from Cordy's doughnut on the angle change. (00:13:31)

Angel mistake picture

To Shanshu In L.A. - S1-E22

Continuity mistake: In the season one finale "To Shanshu in LA," near the end Angel is fighting Vocah in the mausoleum and Angel rips off Vocah's mask, revealing the maggoty face Underneath. In subsequent shots of Angel from behind Vocah, you can still see the edges of the mask on his face. (00:34:30)

Angel mistake picture

Disharmony - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: When Harmony enters Cordelias bedroom, the strap on Corelia's shirt falls off her shoulder and then magically is back in place after the angle change. (00:13:50)

Angel mistake picture

Disharmony - S2-E17

Other mistake: When Harmony spills her pig's blood on the keyboard, the computer shorts out, and the monitor flickers off, but the mouse cursor is still visible. (00:25:35)

Angel mistake picture

Darla - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: When Angel is talking to Darla on the phone there is a shot of Cordy, Wes & Gunn and you can see Cordy unfold her arms but when it goes back to Angel you can see her arms folded again.

Angel mistake picture

Untouched - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Cordelia is bandaging Angel in the hotel lobby, she puts two pieces of tape on him: one at the base of the gauze and one over the wound itself. When he takes his shirt off in his room, he only has the one at the base. (00:12:20 - 00:15:30)

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Trivia: In the opening credits there is a shot of a girl standing alone on the corner of a street. This was taken from the Buffy episode "Anne", when Buffy was staying in Los Angeles.

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Epiphany - S2-E16

Question: If Angel didn't experience a "Moment of Perfect Happiness" from his night with Darla, why does he go through the same motions he went through from losing his soul before?

Answer: Due to his epiphany, Angel basically had the 'true darkness' he worked so hard to reattain ripped away from him, like his soul was after sleeping with Buffy.

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