Movie Quote Quiz

Day 6: 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM - S6-E1

Jack Bauer: Do you understand the difference between dying for something and dying for nothing? The only reason I fought so hard to stay alive in China was because I didn't want to die for nothing. Today, I can die for something.

[Jack and Tony are talking over a cellphone. Jack is trying to convince Tony not to kill Christopher Henderson.]
Jack: Tony! This won't bring back Michelle.
Tony: I know, but it will make me feel better.
Jack: Trust me, you won't.
Tony: Yeah, I probably won't. I'll let you know.

9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M. - S1-E10

Jack Bauer: I used to be in the military. Used to do field work for the CIA. I've been to some horrible places. I've seen some pretty terrible things. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my whole life.

Andre Drazen: If Plan A fails you go to Plan B, not Plan A recycled.

Season 1 generally

Jack Bauer: I've killed two people since midnight. I haven't slept in over 24 hours. So maybe you should be a little more afraid of me than you are now.

3:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M. - S1-E4

Mrs Palmer: They haven't told you? There has been an assassination threat.
David Palmer: Is that all? I thought it was something serious.


Season 4 generally

Chloe O'Brien: When we find the nerve gas and the alert level drops, we can have some chamomile tea and I'll tell you all my secrets, okay?

Jack Bauer: the only reason you're still concious is because I don't want to have to carry you.

Day 3: 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. - S3-E2

[Jack has just shot Nina in the stomach, knocking her to the floor.]
Jack Bauer: You don't have any more useful information, do you, Nina?
Nina Meyers: [inching towards her gun.] I do...I do.
Jack Bauer: No, you don't. [Shoots Nina three more times.].

More mistakes in 24

Trivia: Each member of the cast of 24 is required to trim their hair every 5 days.

More trivia for 24

Day 6: 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM - S6-E23

Question: When VP Daniels and Tom are in the oval office talking about K Hayes and B Buchanan, as Tom leaves the room it cuts to a close up of VP Daniels. Just behind him is a photograph in a frame where the photo somehow moves? Was this intentional, as it caught my eye and I cannot explain it.


Answer: This is unintentional and a simple continuity mistake.


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