Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: When Sweet's henchman shows up at the Magic Box to tell Buffy that Dawn is being held hostage you can see the actor's real mouth moving inside the mouth of his costume.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: During Buffy's training montage, she is seen punching a bag with her wrists bent. First, that's going to be a weak punch, super strength or no, because she can't transfer the force from her arm and body; it just bends at the joint. Second, that's a great way to injure your wrist, because all that escaping force snaps the bend farther. You could strain or even break the joint. After six years, Buffy should know better. (00:31:50)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: When Tara starts with her song ("I'm Under Your Spell"), her hair is normal. When they are in their bedroom her hair has a zig zag in it. (00:09:05 - 00:11:00)
Correction: Reality is being changed by Sweet's magic. (Monsters are joining in as backup singers, lighting and wind effects appear; and in the later flashback to this episode, costume changes occur.) It's entirely possible that this could include makeup and hair changes.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: When Tara and Willow are in the park, Tara has a straight hair parting. If you look at her in the next shot, her hair has changed to a zigzag parting. In the next shot she has magically switched back to a straight hair parting.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Once More, With Feeling', during Giles' song, 'Standing', Buffy's hair is loose as we see her training montage. When she walks up to him at the end and starts to speak, she's taking it out of a bun. She's definitely not just playing with her hair - if you watch carefully you can see that there's a clip or pin of some sort in her hand that had been holding her hair up. (00:32:00)
Correction: There was no clip in her hair nor was she holding one. Buffy was just holding her hair back with her hands while stretching her neck.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In once more with feeling, Buffy is wearing a white shirt before she goes off to confront Sweet. Once she gets there and takes off her coat, she is wearing a red shirt.
Correction: Sweet changed her shirt so that taking off her jacket would be more dramatic. Just like he changed Dawn's pants to a skirt.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the opening song of 'Once More, With Feeling', Buffy stabs a demon with a sword. She then walks across to the hostage and cuts him free, but when we see the sword there isn't any blood, despite the fact that seconds ago there was a demon impaled on it.
Correction: We don't see the blade actually enter the demon, so there is no evidence that this demon race bleeds at all. Other demons encountered in, for example, "Life Serial" leave no physical trace when they die.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: During the episode 'All The Way' Anya mentions that she's having a huge blowout sale the next day. The next episode is 'Once More, With Feeling' which picks up the very next morning (Tara wakes up to find the Lethe's bramble on her pillow, which Willow placed there at the end of "All The Way"), but during the scenes in the shop on that day there are no signs, no banners, no customers - nothing to indicate a huge sale.
Correction: Anya says there will be a "postholiday clearance sale." These are rarely advertised, especially by small businesses with minimal advertising budgets - usually it's just a section of the store marked off. The disruption in daily life caused by the musical magic also puts the town into a confused state, so people wouldn't be in a hurry to go shopping and perhaps even Anya might be off her game in terms of salesmanship.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In 'Once More With Feeling', look closely at Parking Ticket Woman's car. There is no glass at all in the left hand side, presumably to avoid the camera's reflection being visible. The windows aren't just rolled down - even the smallest one at the back is missing, and that one can't be rolled down.
Correction: I checked the episode "Once More, With Feeling," and I couldn't even see the back window of the parking ticket lady's car. The first window has the glass, but it wan't possible to see the back window through the officer.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: Whenever a character indirectly causes an innocent death (ie, Giles in 'The Dark Age' or Anya in 'Selfless') they have understandably been shown to feel a lot of guilt, showing that civilian deaths aren't just taken for granted. In 'Once More, With Feeling' Xander raises a demon that kills at least 3 people, yet there is no reproachment from the others or obvious guilt on his part. Why?
Correction: Because when it's revealed, they have the slightly more pressing problem of the demon to deal with, then the episode ends pretty much once the demon's gone (after the last song, of course). Plus there's the slight matter of the fact that they dragged their best friend out of heaven to deal with. Not a lot of time for on-screen guilt there - no doubt all that took place off-camera, after the episode.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In "Once More, With Feeling" Buffy reveals to the other Scoobies that she was in Heaven, if this is the case, how come Willow extracted her from Hell? Surely she couldn't have done so if Buffy wasn't even there.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the episode "Once More With Feeling," when Dawn and Sweet sing their song at the Bronze, Michelle Trachtenberg obviously forgets her lines and looks around confused for a couple of seconds before going back to singing.
Correction: All the songs from this episode were recorded and dubbed (this is why they use a graveyard they haven't before as it is near LAX and the planes normally interfere) so it is impossible that Michelle could have forgotten her words. She is looking around as - quite understandably - she is terrified, it is a dramatic pause.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: During the episode 'Once More With Feeling' all the characters are forced to tell the truth when they sing, but Xander lies flat out when he says during the song 'I've Got a Theory' that he thinks it might be witches, since he knows it's the talisman he used that's causing the singing.
Correction: Right after Xander's "theory" about witches, he takes it back with "which is ridiculous". Though it's because of Willow and Tara, he is still taking back his fake theory, thus still telling the truth that he doesn't believe it to be witches. Coming out and saying that he did it wouldn't follow the theme of the song.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Once More, With Feeling' Xander is barefooted in his bedroom at the start of the 'I'll Never Tell' number, but is wearing slippers as he walks into the kitchen. There is a cut, but not long enough to let him pick up and put on slippers.
Correction: You can see the slippers between/behind Xander's feet when he and Anya are sitting on the edge of the bed. They are gone when they walk into the next room. It is conceivable that he slipped his feet into them quickly (as they were right by his feet) as he stood up.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In "Once More, With Feeling" from season 6, everyone sings and dances because the demon Sweet is in Sunnydale, but after he leaves, everyone still keeps singing and dancing.
Correction: In Sweet's song, right before he leaves, he says "say you're happy now, once more with feeling." He's cursing them to do one more song.
Correction: That's because the henchman is wearing a mask and is moving his mouth underneath the mask.
JC Fernandez