They're Back, Aren't They? - S3-E1
Audio problem: When the cops draw their Glocks, they make a cocking sound. Glocks are striker fired, there are no safeties or hammers on the exterior to manually operate for the handgun to make a noise. (00:03:20)
They're Back, Aren't They? - S3-E1
Audio problem: When the criminal in the armoured truck tells Lucifer to get out, from the angle over the criminal's shoulder, his mouth isn't moving. (00:02:30)
Answer: Boo Normal and Once Upon a Time were going to be part of season 4, then the show got cancelled (before being picked up elsewhere). As such they were added on to the end of season three as "bonus" episodes, hence the continuity being off. But not really a mistake, just a quirk of broadcasting. Boo Normal was originally going to be between the episodes "High School Poppycock" and "Infernal Guinea Pig" in season 3 before being slated for season 4, presumably because aside from the point you've raised, it was fairly flexible, continuity-wise.
Jon Sandys ★