Question: When Harry enters the Great Hall after Voldemort calls a break to the battle so Hogwarts can bury their dead, who is it that Professor Sprout and Professor Trelawney cover up? It was so quick I was unable to see it.


Chosen answer: As Harry enters the Great Hall he passes Sprout dabbing at a male student's head wound (we see Sprout and this student again later in the background as Ron realizes his brother Fred is dead). After walking past Sprout, Harry comes across Professor Trelawney and Parvati Patel. Trelawney murmurs, "She's gone," and then she and Parvati pull a blanket over the still form of a girl. All we see of her is a quick glimpse of her nose and nostrils before her face is covered This student is Lavender Brown, who in the film was killed by werewolf Fenrir Greyback. The film writers took the liberty of having Lavender die at the end, confirmed in the movie tie-in book "Harry Potter: Page to Screen." However, J. K. Rowling left it ambiguous in the novel whether Lavender Brown actually died from her injuries.

3rd Jun 2011

General questions

I watched a movie (in the nineties, maybe late eighties) and I could have sworn a character was played by Kevin Bacon, but I have checked his films. The movie was based on a young woman who moved or arrived back into a town and she keeps on seeing a ghost of a little girl. There was also maybe an apparent murder or mystery in that town and Kevin Bacon was a young local who worked in a car workshop. From my memory she was warned off him, he was somewhat frowned upon, maybe from locals? She eventually got into a relationship with him and as I recall they had a love scene in a lighthouse? I just cannot remember the name of the movie or any actors. (This is not Stir Of Echoes as previously answered. In Stir Of Echoes Kevin Bacon and his son see the ghost of a teenage girl murdered in their house. He was already married and no scene in this movie took place in a lighthouse). So another answer to this question will be appreciated.


Chosen answer: Could it be "Buried Secrets" ( If that is the case, the actor was Channon Roe, not Kevin Bacon.


28th May 2011

Fright Night (1985)

Question: Why didn't the holy water work? What did Jerry holding the vial over the fire have to do with anything? Did that somehow make the water un-holy?


Chosen answer: Because it wasn't real holy water. Peter Vincent never believed that vampires were real, and was simply humoring the boy. He probably filled the vial with regular water.

Answer: Evil Ed phones Jerry to ask if they can bring Charlie over to prove to him that he (Jerry) isn't a vampire. Jerry lies to them that he is a born again Christian, and he thinks crosses would be sacrilegious. Peter Vincent: "Ask how he feels about Holy water." Evil Ed: *To Jerry, "How about holy water?" *To Peter, "No, won't do, either." Peter: "Tell him it's just ordinary tap water, all he has to do is sip it!" When Jerry drinks the water, Charlie says, "It's not possible," Peter says, "No vampire can drink blessed water," Charlie realises it's a scam and says, "It wasn't blessed."


So basically, Vincent was lying all along, just to give himself the satisfaction of proving Charlie wrong, even though Vincent made the remark, "Are you calling me a liar, young man?"

21st May 2011

Shallow Hal (2001)

Question: In the scene where Hal, Rosemary, the cripled friend, and Nurse "Sourpuss" go out of town, Hal and his friend got to buy snacks leaving Rosemary and "Sourpuss" to talk. There is a scene where thy cut to the front of the car and Nurse "Sourpuss" is now good looking. So is that her real look and Hal only sees her as old and ugly?


Chosen answer: Yes. Just as Hal sees many unattractive and/or overweight women to be thin and beautiful due to their true personalities, he sees Nurse "Sourpuss" - who is a beautiful woman - to be old and ugly due to hers.

Jeff Swanson

Answer: At that point Hal and his friend had already turned their backs and went to the store so Hal was not even looking at her.

Answer: I thought maybe Hal's outlook was rubbing off on Rosemary and Rosemary was seeing that less than attractive woman as pretty.

13th May 2011

Beetlejuice (1988)

Question: In the scene where Juno is talking to Adam and Barbara in her office, look out the window behind Adam and Barbara. There is a group of people who look like they are watching TV and eating popcorn. One of them looks like Otho, wearing a suit and sunglasses. Is there any significance to this?


Chosen answer: It's not meant to be Otho. It's a theater full of ghosts. The idea being that, when this film was still in theaters itself, the audience got the impression that they themselves were being watched by ghosts on "the other side" who were also at a viewing of Beetlejuice, watched from the opposite perspective.


9th May 2011

Vegas Vacation (1997)

Question: Did the old man really die at the end or was this just a ploy to give Clark the money for considering him part of the family? It all seems too fake. Winking, paramedics not doing anything to revive him, barely checking to see if he is alive, etc.


Chosen answer: Typically people don't give a knowing wink to someone when they are at death's door. I think what the paramedic says was the case. He just really wanted to feel like he belonged to a family. He met them, and they included him, so he wanted to "give back". This was the way he could.

Kimberly Mason

7th May 2011

Vegas Vacation (1997)

Question: How does playing blackjack in casinos work? There is a scene where Clark gets a blackjack but the dealer keeps drawing cards for himself until he gets 21 and calls it a tie. I thought when you get blackjack you automatically win, unless the dealer also gets blackjack then it is a push. However someone told me that if the dealer gets blackjack the dealer automatically wins, even against a player who also has blackjack and it is not a push. Clarification please?


Chosen answer: There are numerous rule variations for blackjack, but most casinos will rule that blackjack beats any other hand, even one of 21, and if both player and dealer have blackjack, then a push is given. There are certain rulesets where a tie is awarded to the dealer, but these are rarely used except occasionally in charity events where dealer takings go to the nominated charity.


30th Apr 2011

Scary Movie 2 (2001)

Question: What is the gag where they are dribbling the basketball spoofing?


Chosen answer: They are spoofing a Nike commercial:


That and the music group known as "Stomp".

9th Apr 2011

American Me (1992)

Question: At the end of the movie right before Rudy's gang kills him, they ask the Asian guy if he was coming out and he said he was staying in. Did he not come out because he feared they were going to kill him, or did he know they were going to kill Rudy and he wanted no part of it?


Chosen answer: He did not want to take part in the murder. That's why one of the attackers asked him "You sure you know what you're doing homes?"

24th Jun 2010

Lost (2004)

The End (2) - S6-E18

Question: I recently submitted a question about whether everyone died on the plane or on the island. The answer I got was unsatisfactory. The answer was they did not all die in the plane crash but on the island where the events in the show really did happen. If this is the case, everyone in purgatory at the end makes no sense. If they all died on the island, then where were other characters like Michael, Ecko, etc. Also how did Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Ben, etc. end up dead and in purgatory at the end of the series? Last we saw them they were still alive on the island. Are we to assume that everyone died at the end of last season when the bomb went off? I need more info here.


Chosen answer: None of the main characters died in the plane crash. Many died on the island after the crash (Jack, Charlie, Sun, Jin, Daniel, Juliet, others), some lived on the island for an apparently long time after the crash (Hurley, Ben, Bernard, Rose) but some lived lives off the island after the crash (Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Aplert, and Lapidus). Remember that Christian tells Jack that "time has no meaning here," (in Purgatory). When everyone meets at the church, they are at the end of their lives however long that may have been and will now "move on" together. They look like they did on the island because that is the way they best remember each other.


That has to be the clearest explanation of the ending I've ever read.


15th Jun 2010

Lost (2004)

The End (2) - S6-E18

Question: OK, I am confused. I know the characters are really dead and they are in purgatory. But did they all really die in the plane crash and the events on the island was their purgatory or was their revealing that they were dead as a result of them dying on the island? If they did indeed die in the plane crash, where was Michael and Walt in the finale? If it was as a result of them dying on the island, then how did Kate, Hurley and Sawyer end up with the others in purgatory? I don't recall them dying on the island.


Chosen answer: No they did not all die in the plane crash. Everything that happened did happen... They all died... eventually. Their souls appear in 'purgatory' together and move on together. their 'lives' in purgatory was what they believed it to be. Time really has no meaning in 'purgatory', so they all appear to each other as remembered.


28th Nov 2009

Next Friday (2000)

Question: What was Deebo in jail for? I know at the beginning of the movie it shows a flashback with the police showing up after the fight, but why would they arrest him?


Chosen answer: It's not stated, but most likely after everyone witnessed someone finally standing up to Deebo that people gained the courage to testify against him. Most likely breaking and entering charges (as he did at Stanley's house) and assault.

Carl Missouri

Answer: I believe that Deebo was arrested for assaulting Felicia. Debbie (her sister) would've been a witness. The previous answer is also plausible. Theft, assault, menacing.

5th Sep 2009

Jaws 3-D (1983)

Question: In the scene when Katherine is trying to figure out why the baby has been put on display. The shark suddenly dies and they are not able to save it. I never understood what caused the shark to die. Anybody out there know the answer to that?


Chosen answer: For some unknown reason, it has never been possible to keep a great white shark in captivity for a long period of time. They stop eating and swimming. The longest period was less than half a year and that was in 2007. At the time period of this movie, the record was 11 days.

25th Aug 2009

Heartbreak Ridge (1986)

Question: Why was the platoon making such a big deal about wearing shirts during their exercises? I would think they would be better off wearing shirts so they would not get a sunburn. So what was the big deal?


Chosen answer: Gunny Highway insisted that they all wear the same shirts as he himself was wearing. If they showed up in a different one, he made them go shirtless. The reasons for this were 1) to break through their rebellious attitudes and teach them to follow his orders, 2) to make them look and feel unified, and 3) to develop resourcefulness and adaptability in them.


To also display esprit de corp to other units gaining them respect from those units as well as command leadership.

13th Jul 2009

General questions

I am looking for a movie that was a direct to DVD movie. It had 3 or 4 stories in it. I remember the first story had a man fighting toy soldiers in his penthouse apartment. The last story had a couple where their car broke down in a small town. The town was being run by dead celebrities (Elvis was the sheriff) and the celebrities forced the visitors to stay and watch them perform every night. Anybody know the name of this movie?


Chosen answer: These stories were not from a movie, but from an anthology series called "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" that was shown on TNT in 2006. All of the episodes are based on Stephen King short stories. The first one you mentioned is called "Battleground" and the second one is called "You Know They Got a Hell of a Band".


Question: I have a question regarding the looks of Mulder and Scully. In the movie they looked very old. Was this purposely done to age the characters in the movie because it's suppose to take place in the future or did the actors just age horribly in real life?


Chosen answer: They have hardly aged "horribly" in real life. Both Scully and Mulder are now middle-aged, and a significant amount of time has passed since we first met them. The movie picks up some years later, and therefore there was no attempt to make them look like their younger selves. Mulder, who is now nearly 50 years old, has undergone the most significant change since leaving the FBI under less than amicable circumstances, and his appearance (unkempt beard, casual clothing) reflects his more solitary life. Scully is focused on her demanding career as a doctor, not her looks.


Question: Don gets a call from the French verifying that the blind samples Don sent confirming their virus and the AIDS virus were the same. Don goes around the CDC office and tells everybody that the French also had the AIDS virus. This causes everybody to cheer. Why would the French having the virus make everybody cheer?


Chosen answer: It represents a breakthrough in the case - a lead to the original source of the virus, as many of the patients being treated in France were either African or had spent time there. Up until that point, the origin of the virus was a mystery - with the knowledge that the French were treating the same virus, it gave them vital information in backtracking where the virus originated. It also proved that AIDS was a worldwide phenomenon of epidemic proportions, something that a number of agencies had been reluctant to accept up to that point.


This is not an accurate answer. When they say the French had the virus, they don't mean patients with the virus. They mean the French successfully found the virus in blood, which is a necessary step in determining that aids is caused by an infectious agent and the first step in coming up with medication. The French had patients with the virus since about the same time as the us.

29th Dec 2008

Independence Day (1996)

Chosen answer: Most of the civilians from outside have been brought into the safety of the underground Area 51 facility. Just as the alien destroyer settles over Area 51, at timecode 02:10:10, when Connie, Major Mitchell and some others are the last to run in, they are joined by a blonde woman and her daughter, who scream, and they are the last ones to make it to the elevator. That woman is, I believe, Kimberly Beck.

Super Grover

26th Sep 2008

The Karate Kid (1984)

Question: In tournament action, is the crane kick an actual legal move to use? How about the stance to start the move?


Chosen answer: There are no rules about how a fighter must stand before throwing a kick, and it's basically just a jumping front kick, which is completely legal.

Answer: It was not the technique that was illegal but where and how he made contact with Johnny that was illegal. I'm not 100% sure how to describe what is wrong with it but it is the spot he made contact with and that he kicked Johnny with intent to hurt him (witch may seem weird but believe it or not point based karate sparring is in fact a non-contact sport somehow).

In the film, there was nothing illegal about the contact he made, nor was it determined he had an intent to harm. Bobby was disqualified for an excessive and deliberate attack, but he also intentionally kicked the leg, which was not a part of the body to earn a point. What you may be trying to describe as illegal was lack of control. The ref even says to watch the control. It could be up for debate about if Daniel had control over his kick, but in the film, the ref found it acceptable.


23rd Jul 2008

Rocky V (1990)

Question: At the end of the movie after Tommy knocks Paulie to the ground, George Duke pulls Tommy away and yells something at him. It is right before Rocky says "Now you knocked him down, why don't you try knocking me down now." He is saying it way too fast so it is hard to hear him. What does he yell at Tommy? (and its not "save it for the ring" like an earlier answer stated. it was something else).


Chosen answer: He says "break your hand on his brother, and what are you worth then, huh?"

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