
5th Jun 2018

General questions

A few years ago I was scrolling through titles on Netflix and came across a horror movie (an anthology one if I remember correctly). The artwork depicted a man holding a knife in one hand and his own severed head in the other. The poster was evocative of movie posters from the 1980s, which leads me to believe the movie came out in that decade. Does anyone know what movie this is?


Answer: Found it! It's called "From a Whisper to a Scream."


6th Jun 2018

A Quiet Place (2018)

Question: If the waterfall prevents the creatures hearing them, why not live there?

Answer: Building suitable shelter next to a river/waterfall would be next to impossible, and it would be too cold in the winter to rough it.


Question: What do the Wakandans chant when lined up, ready for the battle?


Answer: From what I've read, they are chanting "yibambe," which is Xhosa for "we hold our ground."


Question: Why doesn't anyone ever destroy the stones? What purpose do they serve other than no one person should have them?


Answer: "Doctor Strange" demonstrates that the Infinity Stones are useful in the most dire of situations, when Strange used the Time Stone to prevent Dormammu from taking over the Earth. It's also possible that some of the stones are indestructible. Wanda is able to temporarily destroy the Mind Stone by using her own powers, but the Power Stone will destroy any being that doesn't possess the strength to wield it, and the Reality Stone is shown to have a will of its own and defended itself when it bonded with Jane Foster.


Also, in the comics, if the stones are destroyed they will simply be replaced by something else or even stones again. They represent the existence of the universe and cannot be destroyed for real. Always only temporarily.


4th Mar 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: How did Harry know where Doc Ock was later located, when Peter asks him for instructions on how to find him and save MJ?

Answer: Unless there is is a deleted scene to shed light on the issue, then it's not really addressed in the movie. It's possible that Doc Ock and Harry had a second meeting that took place off-screen in which Ock revealed to Harry where his hideout was, but as there's nothing really to go on, it's anyone's guess and it's reasonable to consider it a plot hole.


24th May 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: Despite being removed as CEO, Norman would still own the stock, which would then be passed on to Harry.

Greg Dwyer

Did Harry have to take over or was it his decision?

It's always a choice to become CEO of a company.


Answer: Norman killed the other board members at the World Unity Festival. If he did so before all the legal requirements of removing him from the company were completed, then their intentions would effectively be null and void and Norman would remain the owner.


Answer: Well Harry did want to keep his father's "Honor" and quoting from the first film, "become half of what he is." He didn't want to disappoint his father even after death. Or has a bigger goal in mind. But he did it on his own.

23rd May 2018

Black Panther (2018)

Question: Did Erik know that Zuri was his Uncle James before Zuri told him he was the one responsible for his death?

Answer: Well he's not literally an uncle to Killmonger, but rather he saw him as a surrogate uncle when he was a kid because he was always by his father's side.


And yes, he did know.


12th Apr 2018

General questions

I caught the tail end of a presumably made-for-television movie some time in the early to mid 90s. It featured a man who had himself altered to look exactly like another man whose life and family he wanted. The two ended up fighting with one of them falling to his death. We are led to believe the evil man died, but it is shortly thereafter revealed that he was the one who survived when he is shown shuffling a coin on his knuckles, which my brother told me is something he was shown doing earlier in the movie. Does anyone have any idea what the title of this movie is?


Chosen answer: I believe this is the 1994 TV movie 'Natural Selection' starring C. Thomas Howell.


That's it. Thanks. I was wondering for years what that movie was called.


Answer: Although many fans speculated it was because the Hulk fears Thanos after Thanos easily defeated him at the beginning of the film, the Russo brothers have since come out and said that it's because the Hulk feels that Banner only wants the Hulk around for helping him in fights, so his refusal to transform is a protest of sorts.


I think it's both.

Well it's not both. The Russo Brothers, who directed the film, have openly stated that the Hulk is not afraid of Thanos.


Answer: Because he doesn't like being used as a tool and he also is summoned in two places he's already destroyed: New York and Africa. Those are two places he's shown regret for the damage he's caused, which caused him to leave in the first place.


Answer: Cause Hulk is afraid of Thanos.

This is directly contradicted by the directors of the film, who have stated it's because he doesn't like that Banner only wants to use him for his strength.

While I understand that this is what the directors said, what we have in the finished product would never lead one to this conclusion. We first see Hulk fight Thanos and get completely over-matched. From then on, we only get glimpses of Hulk inside Banner, refusing to come out, and seemingly scared to do so. If they wished to convey inner strife between Banner and Hulk or anything else, that did a very poor job doing so.


11th May 2018

Iron Man (2008)

Question: How did Stane's guards round up the ten rings? They didn't appear to have any weapons when they arrived, and the ten rings appeared to outnumber them.

Answer: Given that Stane was carrying (and used) the small, easily-concealed paralysis device, it may be assumed that his entourage were carrying (and using) the devices, also. They simply paralyzed the 10 Rings guards.

Charles Austin Miller

The Ten Rings members were shown kneeling with their hands on their heads, though. They wouldn't be able to do that if they had been paralyzed.


That doesn't negate the probability that Stane's entourage used the paralysis device on a few guards to demonstrate the effect, whereupon the other toady guards simply surrendered.

Charles Austin Miller

Makes sense.


Answer: He may have had another group of guards lying in wait and then surprise the Ten Rings members from behind after a certain amount of time had passed.


6th May 2018

A Quiet Place (2018)

Question: Why can't they just build a trap to hunt the beasts down?

Answer: We see in the family's basement that the father had gradually been learning about the monsters. He may have planned to trap them at some point in the future, but as it stood, he didn't know enough about their weaknesses. The monsters were shown tearing through a truck and a grain silo like tin foil, so any trap that they would use would have to be extremely strong.


Answer: Although it's rather vague, the plot premise is that there are hoards of these creatures that have taken over most of the country, if not the entire planet. Trapping the ones that are in the family's vicinity would have little effect overall and no doubt they'd merely be replaced by other creatures.


Question: Who is Luke talking about when he covers up his hand and says that he has a promise to keep to an old friend? Who is the old friend?

Tyler R

Answer: Yoda. When he was departing for Cloud City to save his friends in the previous film, he promised Yoda that he would return to Dagobah to complete his training.


OK. But I thought he was talking about the holeish thing in his hand since he covered it up when he said it. I must have misunderstood it.

The hole in Luke's robotic hand reminds him that he got that robotic hand in the first place because he lost his duel with Darth Vader at Cloud City - a confrontation Yoda warned him he was not ready for.


1st May 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: What happened to that Asian nurse in the hospital that was last seen sliding down and scratching a sort of metal wall?

Answer: It's implied that all the doctors and nurses in that scene were killed. And she wasn't scratching a metal wall. She was being dragged across the floor and her fingernails were peeling up the floor surface in a desperate attempt to cling to safety.


24th Apr 2018

Secret Window (2004)

Question: What's the story behind the murder of Tom and Ken?

Answer: Mort, not realizing that he was Shooter the whole time, brought them into the conflict, and the Shooter personality killed them because they were getting too close to the truth.


24th Apr 2018

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

Answer: Mystique got through to him. And his loyalty to Charles overrode any and all false allegiance he had with Apocalypse. Blood being thicker than water and all that. He had all that history with Charles.

Alan Keddie

Answer: He realised the mutants he was helping Apocalypse fight against had always been there for him.


Question: What exactly is the relationship between Jane and Darcy? Are they friends? Because Jane doesn't seem to like her much.


Answer: Darcy is Jane's intern. If I remember correctly, Darcy is the only person that applied for Jane's intern position, despite majoring in a different field altogether. Jane does like Darcy, but Darcy tends to have an overbearing personality, which tends to get on Jane's nerves.


10th Apr 2018

Saw 3D (2010)

Question: Why does Dr Gordon decide to work with John? And why does he put himself, his daughter and wife in extreme danger?


Answer: He, his wife and his daughter were abducted before he decided to work with Jigsaw. He didn't put them in danger. As for why he decided to work with Jigsaw following his ordeal, like other characters in the franchise, he either developed a level of Stockholm syndrome or he concluded that Jigsaw's methods were right, or a combination of both.


Question: Why did Stryver leave Daggett at Bane's mercy? It's even more puzzling since Daggett even ordered Stryver to stay and guard him.


Answer: Either Stryver knew Bane was going to kill Daggett and he didn't want to risk his own life by interfering, or he was simply so intimidated by Bane that he chose to comply with Bane's demand rather than draw his ire.


26th Mar 2018

Hulk (2003)

Question: Does Bruce kill the militants' leader at the end of the movie? I know that he turns into the Hulk, but what happens to all of the militants, including the leader? Do they die?

Answer: We don't know since the movie ends then and there. It's ultimately up to the viewer's imagination what happens next.


26th Mar 2018

Cabin Fever (2002)

Question: What happened with Paul at the end and why did the police just kill everybody instead of getting help?

Answer: Paul returns briefly in the sequel, where he is hit and killed by a bus. The local doctor's office did not have the resources to take care of the virus, so rather than take any infected survivors to the county hospital, the police decided to make an attempt to contain and end the outbreak by killing them instead.


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