Cubs Fan

22nd Jul 2008

Michael Collins (1996)

22nd Jul 2008

Die Another Day (2002)

21st Jul 2008

Michael Collins (1996)

Trivia: While Collins is often credited with creating guerrilla warfare, he is never seen killing anyone in the film.

Cubs Fan

19th Jul 2008

Nancy Drew (2007)

17th Jul 2008

Epic Movie (2007)

Trivia: The operatic version of "Spider-Pig" (which plays over Homer's epiphany scene, and again over the end credits) was released as a single in England and fell just shy of the Top 20.

Cubs Fan

9th Jul 2008

Gilmore Girls (2000)

Trivia: Sophie Bloom, the Stars Hollow record store owner, is played by Carole King, whose song "Where You Lead" is the show's theme song.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: The final episode of "Newhart" revealed that the whole series was a dream of Robert Hartley from this series.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: One scene features sheet music being corrected with Liquid Paper. That product was invented by Michael Nesmith's mother.

Cubs Fan

26th Jun 2008

Firefly (2002)

Trivia: Nathan Fillion considers this to be the most fun he's had on a television series, and compares every job he gets or has had in the past to it.

Cubs Fan

23rd Jun 2008

Angel (1999)

Trivia: When Lucy finds Narnia the second time, the "wind" that blows out her candle is a crew member inside the wardrobe blowing the flame out.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: To illustrate the Telmarines' oppression of Narnia, the Old Narnians' physical appearance is wilder than it was in the first film. Howard Berger, the film's creature supervisor, rationalized that this was because they had been hiding in the woods for more than a millennium.

Cubs Fan

13th Jun 2008

Lost (2004)

Trivia: Evangeline Lilly almost wasn't cast as Kate. As a Canadian citizen, problems arose regarding her visa and Screen Actors' Guild paperwork. She managed to get everything in order the day before the pilot began shooting.

Cubs Fan

9th Jun 2008

Kung Fu Panda (2008)

Trivia: When Tai-Lung escapes from prison, one of the guards he knocks over lets out a Wilhelm scream. (00:33:30)

Cubs Fan

27th May 2008

Iron Man (2008)

Trivia: In the Mayan temple, Indy comments "I have a bad feeling about this." This line was a running gag in George Lucas' Star Wars saga, and was used by Harrison Ford at least once. (01:46:10)

Cubs Fan

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