Cubs Fan

25th Jan 2009

The Great Escape (1963)

Trivia: While it is implied the camp commandant was arrested for allowing the escape to happen, he was actually arrested for his involvement in a black market operation.

Cubs Fan

22nd Jan 2009

Angel (1999)

20th Jan 2009

Field of Dreams (1989)

Trivia: When asked why he installed lights around the baseball field, Ray replies that all the ballparks have them, "even Wrigley Field". Wrigley was actually the last stadium to have lights installed.

Cubs Fan

20th Jan 2009

The Dark Knight (2008)

Trivia: Heath Ledger was given an advanced screening of the opening bank heist scene. That six minute sequence was the only part of the completed film he saw before his death.

Cubs Fan

16th Jan 2009

Sex and the City (1998)

14th Jan 2009

Guitar Hero World Tour

Trivia: The bass guitar track of "Love Me Two Times" was created, as a bass track, specifically for the game. While the music in the game does exist on Strange Days, The Doors didn't have a bass player, so it was played by Robby Krieger on his guitar's bass strings.

Cubs Fan

14th Jan 2009

Without A Trace (2002)

Trivia: The FBI doesn't actually have a division tasked with investigating missing persons. They usually only investigate disappearances under special circumstances.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: James Cameron apparently wanted Billy Idol to play the T-1000. A motorcycle accident prevented Idol from committing.

Cubs Fan

16th Dec 2008

MacGyver (1985)

16th Dec 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

11th Dec 2008

Angel (1999)

4th Dec 2008

Heat (1995)

Trivia: The scene in which Vincent learns his wife is cheating on him, removes the television set, and subsequently kicks it out of his car, was lifted from an episode of "Crime Story," which was produced by Michael Mann.

Cubs Fan

2nd Dec 2008

Angel (1999)

Season 3 generally

Trivia: By season's end, Darla has died four times: (1) in flashbacks to when she was sired by The Master, (2) when Angel dusted her in the Buffy episode "Angel", (3) when she was re-sired by Drusilla, and (4) when she dusted herself so that Connor could be born.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: Some of the Pevensies' family history is based upon the four actors. Their mother, Helen, is named after Georgie Henley's mother, and Susan comments that they're from Finchley, where Anna Popplewell is from.

Cubs Fan

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