Mistakes in the IMDb top 250 - page 11

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl mistake picture Video

Visible crew/equipment: Just as Jack says, "On deck, you scabrous dogs," to the very left edge of the screen over Jack's shoulder is a grip crew member with a tan cowboy hat, white short sleeve tee shirt and sunglasses, just standing there looking out to sea. (02:12:35)

Super Grover

Factual error: This relates to the first movie with this title, the one with Jack Benny in it. About midway in the film there is a scene with Polish pilots in the RAF in a room. It cuts to a brief shot of airplanes flying which obviously purports to show the Polish pilots flying their airplanes. But, the airplanes shown are circa 1935 U. S. Army Air Corps Consolidated two place fighters, never used by the RAF and in fact totally obsolete and never used by any air force during WWII.

Groundhog Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Phil has the groundhog in the truck at the quarry and is about to drive over the edge, Rita's hair is disheveled and sticking out all around her head. But after Phil has driven off the cliff and she's looking down, it's all pinned neatly in place.


Other mistake: Noah, the brother, just disappears from the movie with no explanation at all.

Continuity mistake: At home, the first day Hachi fetches the ball, he is either standing on the sun or on the shade, depending on the shot.


The Handmaiden mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sook-Hee is in the car on the way to Kouzuki's mansion, she takes out the hairpin in her hair. Four of her fingers are placed against the back of it and her fingers are shown in a straight angle. A close-up shot of the hairpin is shown and Sook-Hee's fingers are now in a curled angle. (00:03:29)

Casual Person

Revealing mistake: A policeman fires during the robbery even though the slide on his automatic is visibly locked back and open.

240: Rebecca

Revealing mistake: The first morning the new Mrs De Winter is at Manderley, she goes to have breakfast, but when she attempts to pour milk into her coffee, there's no milk in the jug; she's just pretending to pour it.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Coco tears up the photo of Luke with the women, he tears it carelessly, starting with the upper left corner. The end shot of the movie shows the same photo, reassembled, showing a neat, cross-wise tear, with the center of the tear directly over Luke's heart.

The Sound of Music mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Nicholas Hammond (Friedrich) was not a natural blond. The first scene to be shot involving him was the "My Favourite Things" scene and you can see that his hair is pale auburn. After this scene was shot, the directors thought that he would look better if his hair were lighter, so they applied an early form of bleaching agent to his hair. In scenes which were shot after this (notably the children's first entrance to meet Maria which occurs before the "Favourite Things" scene) his hair is very, VERY blond, almost white. In fact, if you scrutinise his hair closely throughout the film, it is a different colour in practically every scene, depending on when the scene was shot and how much of the bleaching agent had been applied.

It Happened One Night mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the bus is about to pull out of the station Ellie places her suitcase on the overhead rack, and in the next exterior shot we see the license plates at the front of the bus, then it cuts to a closeup and one of the plates has changed from "F8274" to "G8278." (00:08:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After the boy's Noel-Coward-lookalike father says, 'Et les fruits?', goes into the kitchen, and disappears out of shot, watch the cat on top of the bookcase to the left of the door. Before the boy runs into shot, the cat suddenly changes position and a mysterious lens flare appears on the right of the screen, showing that it's actually two shots edited together.

The Iron Giant mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Hogarth knocks his face into the tree after running, he has a lot of blood on his face, but in the very next shot, in which he turns around after hearing the giant, the blood is gone.

247: The Help

Factual error: Just before it shows Ailbileen using her newly built outside bathroom, there is a overview shot of Elizabeth's house. The house has architectural (3 dimensional) shingles installed but according to Nachi.org, these shingles were not introduced to market until the 1970's.


Monty Python's Life of Brian mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the last scene while Brian and the others are singing you can see a tourist walking in the background. (01:30:30)

249: Aladdin

Aladdin mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: The tiger bites the seat off the suitor's trousers, allowing the viewer to see his polka-heart boxers. When we see the tiger in the courtyard, he has a part of the same boxer shorts in his mouth. So if he bit off the seat of the trousers, shouldn't he have purple cloth in his mouth? (00:11:45)

Revealing mistake: In the extended version of the film during the buffalo hunt, there is a shot of a buffalo making a turn and in the distant horizon, you can briefly see a modern radio tower on top of a hill.


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