Bug: Spy: If a Medic uses the Kritzkrieg charge on a Spy wielding the Diamondback, the effects of the Diamondback awarding crit shots on back stabs or buildings sapped will be disabled, even after the Kritzcharge has worn off, and will stay that way until the Spy respawns.

Quantom X

Bug: Spy: If a Spy performs backstabs with a different Revolver equipped, the crits will be retroactively awarded as soon as the Spy switches to the Diamondback.

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Bug: Spy: The Diamond Back has the ability to award crit shots for each backstab or building sapped by the Spy. However, a bug exists where even if backstabbing someone who is invulnerable, like ubercharged or under the influence of Atomic Bonk, will still award a crit shot despite not killing the person stabbed.

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Bug: Heavy: If you equip the Fist of Steel and then put it in Third Person view, you can see the Heavy's fingers party sticking out of the steel gloves.

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Bug: Any strange primary weapon for the Pyro can have the Strange Part: Underwater Kills added to it. However, the primary weapons for Pyro do not work under water, and any player ignited by the flamethrowers are instantly extinguished the moment they land in water, making it impossible to get any underwater kills with these weapons.

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Bug: The Strange Part: Posthumous Kills can not be applied to the Heavy's Huo-Long Heater. However the rings of fire emitted from this weapon when in use can cause posthumous damage and deaths.

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Bug: The Strange Part: Damage Dealt can be applied to the strange Demoman shields, Charge N Targe, and Splendid Screen. However, the part does not work on them and will not count any damage dealt by charge bashing enemies with the shields.

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Bug: Scout/Engineer: The misc for the scout called Ball-Kicking Boots spawns a team colored soccer ball with the player that can be kicked around the field similarly to the TF2 birthday beach ball. This can not be destroyed by most things. However, the Short Circuit weapon for Engineer can destroy this as if it were a projectile.

Quantom X

Team Fortress 2 mistake picture

Bug: So far, I have only found this glitch in Dust Bowl on the second capture point in stage 2. On the Red Team side, exiting the starting room, you see a folding down garage door that is always shut. Sometimes, it will be off set. The door is not connected right, and actually sticks out into to the walk way. Players can walk through it, and can't go in the door though due to an invisible wall.

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Bug: Mann Vs. Machine: I have found that sometimes, when the wave is failed and the Machines successfully drop the bomb into Mann Co. a glitch happens that I have discovered with The Heavy. After a wave has failed, the Mann Co. Defenders team does the loser position where you can run around with hands in the air. But sometimes the Heavy will be completely invisible to the person playing him. Not sure what causes this, and so far only discovered with The Heavy.

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Bug: Engineer: A glitch that often happens for unknown reasons, the hand or hands of the Engineer will disappear during gameplay from that player's perspective. All you can see is the weapon or wrench in his hands floating in the air.

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Bug: Players are able to customize a tag which they can spray on most locations on the map. After a tag is sprayed, any player who looks at it gets a red text display saying SPRAYED BY and then says the person's name. If the player that sprayed the tag, then leaves the match, their tag will disappear. However, if any player looks at the spot where the tag was, they still get the text pop up saying there's a tag there and who it's sprayed by, only there's no tag.

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Bug: Nucleus: The projectiles for the Righteous Bison, Pomson 3000, and the Wrap Assassin can not pass through the control point area of the map for some reason. They just disappear at that point.

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Bug: Scout: If a friendly player is hit by their Scout's ornament ball from the Wrap Assassin that was air blast reflected by an enemy Pyro, they will take no damage from it. However the bleeding icon will still appear on their HUD.

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Bug: Engineer: Taunt Dueling Banjos: Sometimes the bale of hay that the Engineer sits on for this taunt won't even spawn, making the Engi just sitting on thin air playing his Banjo.

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Bug: Engineer: Taunt Dueling Banjos: If you alt fire while using this taunt, which causes the Engineer to speed up his playing of the Banjo and makes his fingers start smoking, and then suicide with the console command, upon respawn the smoke will still stay on the Engineer's hand.

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Bug: Engineer: Taunt Dueling Banjos: If you have your Wrangler out while you activate this taunt, it is possible you can still fire your sentry with the wrangler while taunting.

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Bug: Badwater Basin: Sometimes the payload cart when reaching the bottom of the last hill, will start flipping around on the track and stand on its nose.

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Bug: Mann Vs Machine/Mannhatten: After failing around and respawing, sometimes the gate that opens up at the end of the map for the robots will be suspended in the air in the middle of the map.

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Bug: Soldier: If you taunt as you reload a primary weapon (other than the Cow Mangler 5000) a rocket will blink in and out of the Soldier's hand.

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Bug: Spy: Lag spikes can cause the Spy to automatically undisguise.

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More quotes from Team Fortress 2

Trivia: In Mann Co No More #2 - Unhappy Returns, a comic about the game, the Spy was revealed to have false teeth. And here he hides tiny provisions and a knife inside, and his hair was shown to be a dark grey.

Quantom X

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