Team Fortress 2


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Scout: Gravity? Who gives a crap about gravity?

Quantom X

Bombinomicon: Okay, twist ending guys. Here comes the big twist! I'm an angel, and we're in Heaven! This was a test all along! No, I'm pulling your leg, there is no Heaven. There is Hell in every direction.

Quantom X

Blutarch Mann: I sense a disturbance in the force... Hold on. Okay, I'm back. My lawyers tell me I'm sensing nothing.

Quantom X

Bombinomicon: Hey, when you go back to Earth, make sure you tell everybody I'm the Devil now. Oh, I'm gonna be famous. Oh, I'm gonna be more famous than Lord of the Rings! So have you guys been doing? Soldier, still have that stupid wizard for a roommate? Oh, that guy, I could tell you some... You know what? You keep fighting, we catch up later.

Quantom X

Soldier: [after dominating a Demoman.] Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a dress!

Quantom X

Ap-Sap: Is that gunfire? Is - is someone shooting? Oh my God, they're shooting at us! They're shooting at us! Don't panic, but they are shooting at us. Are these - are these live? Do I actually hear shooting? Is this live rounds? Is it live ammunition? Okay, I definitely heard a gunshot then! This is... Mental. Did no one else hear that? Bloody - what have you got me into? All right, fun's over! Fun's over! Put me back in the pocket! Seriously, now - put me away. 'Cause I don't want any piece of this.

Quantom X

The Administrator Helen: America has given us the monkey, and Mann Co. has provided the fuel. Let's put those two together and make history!

Scout: If you order now, I'll throw in a second beatin' absolutely free.

Quantom X

Medic: Ze healing leaves little time for ze hurting.

Quantom X

Soldier: You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!

Quantom X

Ap-Sap: Dashing rogues! The both of us. Like Robin Hood or something! Role playing. Love it. Absolutely love it.

Quantom X

Soldier: This is my world. You are not welcome in my world!

Quantom X

Scout: Say goodbye to your kneecaps, chucklehead.

Quantom X

Demoman: All o' ya are dandies, prancin' about with your heads full of eyeballs!

Quantom X

Bug: For the longest time, since they came out with taunting in the game, there has been a glitch where you can move while taunting. A player runs at a ledge and taunts right before they reach the edge. From the player's perspective, the view would switch to third person as it usually does while taunting, but only for a split second before snapping back to first person as the player goes over the edge and they can move unrestricted. And any dialog the character would say while taunting would be cut off. But to any other players watching, it would appear the player's model would continue the taunting animation, but drop off the ledge and be sliding around while taunting. This lead to an exploit as well involving the High Five Taunt that could be held indefinitely, and would throw off the player model's hit box and making it difficult to hit, especially troublesome for snipers. (This glitch has been fixed now as of the update of May 19th, 2014, preparing for the new taunts to be added to prevent exploiting).

Quantom X

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Trivia: In Mann Co No More #2 - Unhappy Returns, a comic about the game, the Spy was revealed to have false teeth. And here he hides tiny provisions and a knife inside, and his hair was shown to be a dark grey.

Quantom X

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