
Easter egg: On Disc 3 of the Blu-Ray "Extended Collector's Edition", highlight the "Live Extras" and press the down button. This will display a "Theatrical Trailer 3D" and "Pandora Discovered 3D" option. Viewing these requires a 3D-enabled Blu-Ray and TV.


Avatar mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Parker is shown playing golf on the indoor golf course in RDA, the first time he hits the ball, there are two other balls lying on the course side by side. In the next shot, two are distant apart and in the shot after that, they are in their original position. (00:12:15)

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Neytiri: You have a strong heart. No fear... But stupid! Ignorant like a child!

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Trivia: In the final battle sequence, Neytiri has a white handprint on her chest as part of her warpaint. It has five fingers, indicating that it is Jake's hand - Avatars have five fingers while Na'vi only have four.

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Question: There is a scene where Parker is telling Grace that the piece of ore he is holding, called "unobtainium", is why they are on Pandora. This same ore was used in the 2003 movie, "The Core", to build the manned drilling machine to bore through Earth, to the core. Was the use of the same ore name in Avatar, done with permission from the earlier movie? Or was it a mistake?

Big John

Chosen answer: The Core didn't originate the name - it's been used since the 50's and even has its own Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium. There it's described as "any fictional, extremely rare, costly, or impossible material, or (less commonly) device needed to fulfill a given design for a given application."

Jon Sandys

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