
In the year 2154, a human colony has been established on a distant planet called Pandora. The humans are hunting for a rare mineral that could solve the ecological crisis on Earth. However, their plans are thwarted by an indigenous race called the Na'vi, whose village is resting right on top of the rare ore they need. To solve this problem, Col. Quaritch sends ex-Marine Jake Sully out into the wild piloting an Avatar- a remote control alien body that will allow Jake to breath the air on Pandora- to gain the Na'vi's trust and get them to relocate. As Jake discovers the new world of the Na'vi, he meets a beautiful Na'vi woman named Neytiri, who teaches him the values that her race shares. As Jake starts to see the world through her eyes, he realizes how much this new world matters to the Na'vi and to him and fights to protect his new race.


Avatar mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Parker is shown playing golf on the indoor golf course in RDA, the first time he hits the ball, there are two other balls lying on the course side by side. In the next shot, two are distant apart and in the shot after that, they are in their original position. (00:12:15)

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Neytiri: You have a strong heart. No fear... But stupid! Ignorant like a child!

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Trivia: In the final battle sequence, Neytiri has a white handprint on her chest as part of her warpaint. It has five fingers, indicating that it is Jake's hand - Avatars have five fingers while Na'vi only have four.

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Question: Does this movie take place in the same universe as ALIENS?

Answer: No. The Alien franchise, which kicks off in the year 2122, depicts a human civilisation in possession of faster-than-light transport and multiple interstellar colonies. The civilisation seen in Avatar, the majority of which is set in 2154, do not appear to have FTL travel, as they take six years to travel to the Alpha Centauri system, a distance of approximately 4.5 light years.


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