
Other mistake: A.J. gets dirt on his face although he is covered by an astronaut's suit.

Armageddon mistake picture

Other mistake: There's grass on the edge of the cliff when the Armadillo finally lands - look just under the Armadillo while the astronaut's pulling himself up the road. Considering this is an airless, waterless asteroid, it doesn't really fit...

Armageddon mistake picture

Other mistake: In the sequence where they are disarming the bomb. When the clock gets down to 00:24, the picture is reversed (the split second shot when they pull the clock out of the bomb). (01:48:35)

Other mistake: In the scene where the asteroids are hitting New York, there is an exterior shot of one of them hitting the South end of Grand Central Terminal. Another shot goes by and the film cuts to the main area inside the station, which is close to where the first asteroid hit. There is not one hint of damage, or any discernible reaction from the people inside from the first impact. (00:08:20)


Other mistake: When the first shuttle has crashed, you can see that one of the characters (I think it was Liv Tyler's fiancé) has torn gloves. That would decompress his spacesuit and he'd suffocate.


Other mistake: If the meteor shower that hits NYC is the same one that destroyed the shuttle, how was so much time able to pass that all the newspapers were able to report on the shuttle before NYC got hit?


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Suggested correction: Good question. Nobody says that it's the "same" shower though. All of them come from the bigger rock, and they are coming in intervals. So it could very well be some time had passed between showers. Also, the meteorites that hit the shuttle were much smaller and probably burned up in the atmosphere before bigger ones followed.


Other mistake: Adding on to the idea of the shuttles flying too close together, at a couple points the ejected shuttles from one booster appear to fly directly into the flight path of the tailing shuttle. While is certainly possible the second shuttle could maneuver to avoid the collision, it further demonstrates the absurdities of launching the two craft in such close proximity.


Factual error: The surviving space shuttle takes off from the asteroid horizontally, like an airliner taking off from a runway. This is absurd. There is no air to provide lift for the wings, so the shuttle - with its engines providing thrust straight back - would simply trundle along the ground like a car. It doesn't use its maneuvering jets at any time, and they are far too feeble to lift the weight of the shuttle anyway. Nor do they gimbal the main engine, which would lift the shuttle vertically on an axis through the centre of the engine - they swoop gracefully into the air after a long take off. Second, they'd have to count on finding a clear length of ground on a debris strewn asteroid. Vertical takeoff, anyone?

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General Kimsey: We spend $250 billion a year on defence, and here we are! The fate of the planet is in the hands of a bunch of ret*rds I wouldn't trust with a potato gun!

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More trivia for Armageddon

Question: Would someone please explain why they need a huge Gatling gun on the asteroid? Are they scared of aliens or what?

Answer: If you look at the deleted scenes on the special edition DVD, you will see a deleted scene in which A.J. asks what they needed a gun for, and Max explains that it's for debris elimination, in order to take out small rocks in the way.

More questions & answers from Armageddon

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