The Longest Day

Other mistake: In the early part of the movie, Rommel is addressing his Officers on the Atlantic Wall. The "mid-shots" and "close-ups" are shot against a back projection. Rommel turns to view the sea/horizon and the view is exactly the same as their "mid-shots". The effect is a horrendous "jump-cut".

Other mistake: During the scene depicting the (only) two German aircraft which participated in defense of the beaches, they are shown strafing advancing Allied soldiers. However, other than a few random explosions on the ground, there is no indication of their machine guns kicking up any sand. In a later scene, fighters strafe a German column with expected results on the ground.


Other mistake: During the French Commandoes' attack on the Ouistreham casino, the Germans spot commando units at a tower. A lookout gives the information to the cannon crew, but the cannon is aimed towards the target while the commanding officer is still confirming the information.

Factual error: French commando Philippe Kieffer is wearing the ribbon of the Military Cross throughout the film. He was actually awarded the MC in July 1944, a month after D-Day.


More mistakes in The Longest Day

Brigadier General Norman Cota: I don't have to tell you the story. You all know it. Only two kinds of people are gonna stay on this beach: those that are already dead and those that are gonna die. Now get off your butts. You guys are the Fighting 29th.

More quotes from The Longest Day

Trivia: The private of the 82nd Airborne F-Company who accidentally lands on the St Mere Eglise bell tower has become sort of a local celebrity. On the 50th anniversary of D-Day, a dummy on a parachute was hung up on the tower in his memory, and is still there.

More trivia for The Longest Day

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