The Longest Day
Movie Quote Quiz

Pluskat: Lieutenant-Colonel, the invasion is here! Five thousand ships! There-there must be over five thousand ships out there!
Ocker: Now get a hold of yourself, Pluskat. The Americans and the British don't even have half that many ships altogether.
Pluskat: Dammit, if you don't believe me, then come up here and see for yourself! This is fantastic. It's incredible! I-I just can't believe it!
Ocker: My dear Pluskat, what course are those ships on?

Flight Officer David Campbell: The thing that's always worried me about being one of the few is the way we keep on getting fewer.

Brigadier General Norman Cota: I don't have to tell you the story. You all know it. Only two kinds of people are gonna stay on this beach: those that are already dead and those that are gonna die. Now get off your butts. You guys are the Fighting 29th.

[The Allied battleships begin firing at the Normandy coastline.]
Ocker: Pluskat! Pluskat, do you hear me? What's the matter with you? Pluskat, what's going on there?!
Pluskat: Are you deaf? Can't you - Dammit, can't you hear for yourself? - Yes, we're under fire! Yeah - under fire! Those five thousand ships the Allies can't possibly have, as you say - they've got them! Yeah, they've got them!

Destroyer Commander: You remember it. Remember every bit of it, 'cause we are on the eve of a day that people are going to talk about long after we are dead and gone.

Factual error: The U.S. Paratrooper uses his "clicker", and the German answers with a "double" click-click - click-click. The Paratrooper stands up, and the German soldier shoots twice with his Mauser K98 without pulling back the bolt between shots, which is impossible.


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Suggested correction: There could have been another German soldier present who fired as well.


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Trivia: In the original release of the film, the scene depicting the American G.Is charging up Omaha beach has a clearly visible shadow of a camera keeping pace with the action. However in the recent colourised video release of the film, the pesky shadow has been digitally removed.

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