
Corrected entry: When Silk Spectre gets teleported to Mars to meet with Dr. Manhattan, she struggles to breathe in the Martian atmosphere until Dr. Manhattan creates an "oxygen bubble" around them. A person on Mars completely exposed like that would die a most horrid death within seconds, their blood literally boiling almost instantly. And yet Silk Spectre is totally fine after the oxygen bubble is placed around her.

Correction: The submitter's mistake uses junk science. A human exposed to the Martian atmosphere (mostly carbon dioxide) will slowly suffocate as shown in the film. No death in seconds, no blood boiling - that only happens in the movies!


Corrected entry: When Silk Spectre visits Night Owl she touches and notes the dusty aircraft under the canvas, as if it hasn't been used for a while. In fact at the start of the movie as the cops are investigating the Comedian crime scene, we see the aircraft hovering and listening in. Also, the aircraft has to go through a body of water each trip it makes, which would wash off any dust.

Correction: That wasn't Nite Owl's ship hovering near the crime scene at the beginning of the movie. It was just a fancy looking blimp. Not only is Nite Owl just a regular civilian at this point, but the movie also shows him to be having a beer with Hollis Mason at Mason's garage at roughly the same time the crime scene is being investigated. Not to mention that he doesn't even find out about the murder until he gets home later and finds Rorschach in his kitchen. He doesn't use his ship for the first time in the movie's present timeline until a few scenes after Silk Spectre is shown inspecting it.


Corrected entry: In the opening credits sequence when Silk Spectre I is having an argument with her husband, she says, "I was a hero G*******t!" When she says this, her hands are in front of her. However, in both flashback scenes later in the movie, when she says that line her hands are at her side.


Correction: Laurie is simply remembering the argument differently the second time. It could also be two different arguments; it's common for married couples to have the same argument more than once.

Corrected entry: In the initial scenes when Comedian is killed, the .45 pistol showed has Picattini rails in the frame. The story is set in 1985, when no pistol whatsoever had that feature (a.45 1911 like that, looking like a Springfield, was only offered in 2006).

Correction: It's set in an alternate 1985, where it's repeatedly shown that many things are different.


Corrected entry: Although the "alternate reality" excuse could be applied, shown in the film are HD (high density) 3.5" floppy disks (in Veidt's office) which did not exist until 1987, and on the set of the TV interview with Dr. Manhattan there is a Sony Profeel Pro series TV monitor (KX-27HV1?) which were not introduced until 1986.

Correction: In a world with Dr. Manhattan, who knows what could have been invented earlier?

Corrected entry: In the scene where little Rorschach catches his mother having sex with a man, right after the man leaves and his mother slaps him, you can see two men behind the mom, holding some equipment.

Correction: The two men in the scene were dressed in clothing for the period the scene takes place in. The most reasonable explanation is that they were customers.

S. Ha

Correction: This is irrelevant to this film. The homage to the graphic novel occurs in Heroes and thus should be noted in a trivia item for that TV series, not here.


Corrected entry: During the course of the movie, Archie the owl ship seems to change size. Most of the movie it is barely big enough for two people, however in the scene during the building fire rescue, 20 people are taken to safety in one transport.

Correction: External shots of Archie throughout the film show that it is far larger than "barely big enough for two", as do many shots from within. There is nothing inconsistent with being able to cram in the people they rescue from the fire.


Corrected entry: During the prison riot scene, one of the inmates, topless, is set on fire. The fire-proof/retardant "gel" is visible, applied all over his upper torso.

Correction: A human body is not that easy to set fire to - the other prisoners would have had to coat the man in some sort of flammable material in order to burn him alive. In reality it is probably a fireproof gel, true, but within the context of the movie it makes sense that the substance is some sort of flame accelerant.


Correction: This can hardly be considered trivia since Gugino ages 42 years in the movie. It would be the same as pointing out she played a 67 year old despite being only 37.


Corrected entry: During the peace rally in the opening credits, the stem of the flower that is placed in the barrel of a rifle disappears in preparation for it to be digitally destroyed by the CGI gunfire. (00:09:40)


Correction: No, it never disappears except behind one of the leaves when the girl lets it go. I don't think the gunfire is CGI anyway, just use blanks. Maybe the flying leaves are CGI, but not the gunfire and the stem doesn't need to be digitally removed for that anyway.


Corrected entry: In the prison scene Walter retaliates against an aggressive inmate with a fry basket, all of which have holes in the bottom, but the oil comes splashing out as if it were a bucket container.


Correction: There is food in the bottom of the basket which prevents the oil from draining as quickly as it normally would. It would still have drained out if Walter had simply held it still, but inertia carried the oil along with the basket because he swung it so fast.


Corrected entry: At the beginning of the funeral scene, when the hearse arrives, there are three people visible on the right side of the screen. However, when the viewer observes these people during the shot inside the hearse as the coffin is removed, another person is visible with them: Rorschach, holding a "The End is Nigh" sign.


Correction: There is a wide angle shot of the hearse arriving; on the far right is Ozymandias, his secretary and Nightowl II, on the far left is a military detail: and Rorschach with his sign. Rorschach then moves from left to right as the coffin is removed, crossing in front of the Watchmen as Dr. Manhattan exits the limo.


Corrected entry: Adrian Veidt says that the first Night Owl was one of only two heroes to make his identity public, but Laurie's identity is public and she even says so to Nite Owl in his workshop when she expresses jealousy that his identity is private. That makes 3.

Correction: Adrian and the first Nite Owl were the only heroes to "go public" [the phrase that they used in the movie] by revealing their previously secret identities to the public. Laurie never had a secret identity as evidenced by the fact that she never wore a mask.

Corrected entry: During the credits, it is revealed that The Comedian shot JFK - except that JFK is shot from behind, and the Comedian is positioned about 100 feet in front of the car.

Correction: The movie and comics are set in an alternate reality. Many historical differences may exist. Besides, according to all the videos, we see his head jerk 'back and to the left' Clearly indicating being shot from the front. (Refer to the movie JFK).


Corrected entry: During Adrian's magazine interview, the reporter says that he and Hollis Mason, the original Nite Owl, are the only Watchmen to have revealed their true identities. But the first Nite Owl wasn't a Watchman; he was a Minuteman.

Correction: Character mistake. It is quite common for people (characters) to make a mistake, especially a reporter.


Corrected entry: When the Nite Owl II inserts the Pyramid Transnational floppy disk into Veidt's computer, he inserts it backwards. Surprisingly, it works anyway.


Correction: After just having viewed the scene, I can say with certainty that Nite Owl inserts the disk correctly. Not to mention that inserting that type of disk backwards would require a lot of excessive force.

S. Ha

Corrected entry: Dr. Manhattan perceives time simultaneously across past and future yet is subject to Veidt's use of tachyon interference. Yet Dr. Manhattan would still be able to perceive the point at which he is told about the tachyon interference and the reasons for Veidt's plan. So really he would know all along anyway.


Correction: The tachyon interference prevented him from perceiving aspects of time, whether past, present, or future, throughout its entire duration. The tachyon interference continued through the point when Dr. Manhattan learned of it, so he was unaware of it until that moment as was intended by Ozymandias.


Corrected entry: On one of the bottom left monitors in Ozymandias' lair, during one of the earliest scenes where we see him watching them, the film "Mars Attacks" is playing, which came out in 1996.

Correction: In our timeline, it did indeed. But this is an altered timeline so events and their times can and are subtly or radically different.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Dr. Manhattan is visible only as a circulatory system (after the accident where Jon Osterman is locked into a test chamber and caught in an "Intrinsic Field Subtractor" in 1959) we can see that he has pupils in the eyes, while normally he doesn't.

Correction: "Normally" being the point. He is in mid-transformation and we can't know his pupils would not be visible at this point. In fact, since we see them, we know they are indeed visible at this time.


Audio problem: During the battle in Adrian Veidt's lair he catches a bullet. He pulls the slug from his palm but as he drops the slug we hear the sound of a spent shell casing hitting the floor (empty brass) not the heavy lead bullet.

More mistakes in Watchmen

Rorschach: I'm not locked in here with you! You're locked in here with ME!

More quotes from Watchmen

Trivia: When Dan and Hollis hear a TV news report referencing Rorschach, they glance at the screen in time to see grainy black and white 'file footage' of Rorschach walking quickly away and to the right of the camera position, glancing back over his right shoulder momentarily. That footage is intentionally designed to precisely mimic the infamously-disputed film of Bigfoot (known as the Patterson-Gimlin film of 1967). (00:17:50)


More trivia for Watchmen

Question: Some of the costumed heroes in the film (Comedian, Ozymandias, both Silk Spectres) appear with very minimal masks or even no masks at all while in costume. How are they supposed to be able to keep their identities secret?

Answer: The short answer is that they weren't really trying to. Ozymandias later revealed, and monopolised on, his costumed identity, Comedian was officially endorsed by the U.S.A. Government at the time so his real identity would have been public record, the first Silk Spectre publicly revealed her identity after retiring, though there is no evidence that the current Silk Spectre has. There is no evidence (even in the graphic novel) that anyone tried to hide their identity to the extent that other comic-book heroes like Batman/Superman do. The only exception being Rorschach where even his follow costumes don't know his real identity until they bust him out of prison.


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