
Factual error: During the orphans' rendition of "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" Molly is seen with a plastic drink bottle (that makes a plastic-bottle-esque "thunk" when thrown). The movie takes place in 1933, however polyethylene terephthalate (the kind of plastic used for drink bottles) was not developed until 1941.

Factual error: They take Annie to the movies to see Camille except there's a problem - Annie takes place in 1933 and the version of Camille they're watching (starring Greta Garbo) didn't come out until 1936.

Factual error: Throughout the movie, all the women (with the exception of Miss Hannigan) are shown to be wearing full coverage pantyhose (you can most see this in dance numbers). Pantyhose that covered all of the leg and buttocks were not invented until 1940 (Annie is set in the 30s). Any hosiery worn prior to that would have been stocking type that only came to the top of the knee.

Factual error: This film is supposed to be set in 1933, but at one point we see a helicopter, a machine that wouldn't be invented until after World War II.

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Suggested correction: The helicopter was originally theorised by Leonardo da Vinci in the 1400s. Early practical versions began to appear in the 1920s, and by 1932, helicopters were able to carry more than one passenger. Although a machine that could carry three people from NY to D.C. was not possible in 1933, in the context of the movie, Warbucks would be able to afford a privately built copter, with improvements of course, for personal use.

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Annie: *yelling* Cut it out! I mean it! Do you want Miss Hannigan to come in here!? Go back to bed! *glares up at Pepper* Now, or you'll have me to deal with!
Pepper: Ah, blow it out your old wazoo.

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Trivia: Despite being shot in the early 80's, the organ that Annie plays on hasn't been functional in some 40+ years.


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Question: Question regarding the search for Annie's parents: When Mr. Warbucks launches the nationwide search for Annie's parents using the best legal and investigative minds of the day, should they not have discovered that said parents died in a fire? The authorities somehow knew there was an abandoned child and where to send the parents' "junk", and Miss Hannigan was informed of the deaths. Obviously, someone knew Annie was at the orphanage and whose child she was. How did Warbucks' top notch team of private eyes miss that?

Answer: Miss Hannigan's box of Annie's parents' things might have the only record of her birth certificate. This is the 1930s, after all. Paper records went missing all the time.

Captain Defenestrator

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