Kindergarten Cop

Visible crew/equipment: When Mrs. Sullivan pulls up along the road, three crewmembers pushing the camera along are beautifully reflected in the side of her car. (00:57:15)


Visible crew/equipment: When Crisp and his mother pull up, just before Crisp goes into the toy store, in the bottom of the car's windshield you can see a boom mike bobbing about. (01:16:10)


Visible crew/equipment: When Kimble is beating up Zach's dad for hitting him, in one shot it shows him pinning him up against the car and the boom pole can be seen reflected on the boot surface and the rear window above it.

Visible crew/equipment: When Kimble returns back to the Kindergarten class at the end of the film, in the shot before he blows the whistle, you can see a red tape marker on the carpet. (01:41:05)


Visible crew/equipment: When Kimble says to the class "we're gonna play a game: who is my daddy, and what does he do ", a white tape marker is visible on the carpet, to the left of Kimble's chair. (00:35:40)


Continuity mistake: After Kimble walks in on Phoebe and Henry in the bedroom, the positions of the pillows change (in one shot a pillow falls of the bed, but is back on in the next), and the sheet of paper move around the bed sheets too. (00:55:50)


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More quotes from Kindergarten Cop

Trivia: When Kimble carries Phoebe into the motel, he says two short sentences in German (the only time Arnie can be heard speaking his native tongue in a movie.). For interest, these mean: "That makes me stinking mad. Now I'm mad."

More trivia for Kindergarten Cop

Question: Why does Zack have bruises everywhere on his body,also,why does his mom lie about it?

Answer: Because he's being abused by his father. As explained in the movie the father beats him and his mother as well. So she has to lie about Zack's black and blue marks. In one scene the mother explains Mr. Kimble that the father is undergoing therapy. He says that if it happens again he will report it. As Zack shows bruises again, Arnold's character goes out and beats Zack's father.

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