Inspector Gadget

Continuity mistake: When Sikes is put into the headpiece and Claw has the power turned up full force the chin strap is first around Sikes's chin, then it isn't, then it is.

Continuity mistake: When Inspector Gadget was in the city dump, you can clearly see all his gadgets inside his body. But when he recovers and rises, he is fully clothed - he could not possibly put on his suit that fast.

Continuity mistake: When evil Gadget and good Gadget are on the ground fighting you can see the car behind evil Gadget. They then show both from the side and the car isn't there but when they go to good Gadget it's behind him again.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie when the bus has no brakes, the dog is on a leash. When Gadget grabs the dog and throws him and catches him, there is no leash.

Continuity mistake: When Evil Gadget jumps out of the chief's office, he is seen falling forward, but in the next shot is seen falling backward just before he lands on the sidewalk.

Continuity mistake: When John wakes up from his daydream there's a blue cushion under the green one which disappears in further shots.


Continuity mistake: When Inspector Gadget was in the city dump, you can clearly see all his gadgets inside his body. But when he recovers and rises, he is fully clothed - he could not possibly put on his suit that fast.

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Trivia: I wouldn't want to stay at the hospital that Gadget was staying at. When Penny runs into the room with the man in the body cast, someone on the intercom is saying 'Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard. Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard.' The Three Stooges were Curly Howard, Larry Fine and Moe Howard.

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Question: When Inspector Gadget is lying on the table with the Claw watching over him, Gadget says that Claw will never get away with this. Then Claw says, "I think someone's been watching too many Saturday morning cartoons", and then everyone looks up at the camera confused/surprised. Can any one explain what the joke is here?

Answer: The joke is that he is referring to the "Inspector Gadget" cartoon, in which the Claw never got away with any of his schemes.

wizard_of_gore Premium member

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