Mercedes: My mother told me to be wary of fauns.
Pan: The moon will be full in three days. Your spirit shall forever remain among the humans. You shall age like them, you shall die like them, and all memory of you shall fade in time. And we'll vanish along with it. You will never see us again.
Mercedes: I'm a coward.
Pedro: No, you're not.
Mercedes: Yes, I am. A coward - for living next to that son of a bitch, doing his laundry, making his bed, feeding him... What if the doctor's right and we can't win?
Pedro: At least we'll make things harder for that bastard.
Ofelia: My name is Ofelia. Who are you?
Pan: Me? I've had so many names. Old names that only the wind and the trees can pronounce. I am the mountain, the forest and the earth. I am... I am a faun. Your most humble servant, Your Highness.
Carmen: The captain has been so good to us... Please, Ofelia, call him father. It's just a word, Ofelia, just a word.
Capitán Vidal: Tell my son the time that his father died. Tell him.
Mercedes: No. He won't even know your name.
Rey: Arise, my daughter. Come. You have spilled your own blood rather than the blood of an innocent. That was the final task and the most important.
Pan: And you chose well, Your Highness.
Carmen: Come here with me, and sit by your father's side.
Mayor: Have I told you that I was acquainted with your father, Captain?
Capitán Vidal: No. I had no idea.
Mayor: In Morocco. I knew him only briefly, but he left a great impression.
Capitán Vidal: An excellent soldier.
Mayor: The men in his battalion said that when General Vidal died on the battlefield, he smashed his watch on a rock so that his son would know the exact hour and minute of his death. So he would know how a brave man dies.
Capitán Vidal: Nonsense. He didn't own a watch.
Answer: Evidence from the film:1) The image of a ram appears frequently in the house, including over the mother's bed and the twisted growth of the tree. An image such as this suggests that the fawn was created from common images.2) The first image is of the magical realm. The the following show Ofelia reading a fantasy book. This inidicates that the movie will be mostly from the point of view of a child who spends time developing her imagination. 3) The images of fascist, war-torn Spain are bleak aand desaturated while the images of the magical realm are bright. Even the monochromatic images of el Fauno are supersaturated. This filming technique suggests that Ofelia creates the fantasy.4) At the end of the movie, the General cannot see Ofelia talking to el Fauno. Therefore, at least for him, the kingdom is fantasy.The proof exists for both. The flower at the end of the film has been cited as evidence that the magical world certainly exists but only for those who choose to see it. This means that the kingdom is both real and not real - a paradox.