Pan's Labyrinth

Revealing mistake: Near the end, when the captain is walking out of the labyrinth holding the baby, you can tell it's a dummy. The baby does not move in the slightest, you can't even see it breathe.

Continuity mistake: As Mercedes flees after cutting the captain, her hair is done up in a braid, but in the next shot her hair is down and flowing. (01:34:05)

Continuity mistake: When Mercedes flees through the forest to escape the soldiers, the blood pattern, thickness and color of blood on her face changes between shots. (01:33:00 - 01:35:30)

Audio problem: After the final skirmish between the partisans and Franco's Army, a riderless horse trots across the scene from right to left. The foley track uses the sound of a galloping horse (1,2,3 1,2,3) instead of a trotting horse (1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4).

Revealing mistake: The wound to the captain's mouth disappears when he walks out of the labyrinth holding the baby, towards the end of the film. As he is talking to the soldiers the dressing on his face moves showing no cut underneath.

Factual error: In the scene where Captain Vidal's dinner guests arrive in the rainstorm, Vidal's men are using automatic umbrellas which weren't invented until the 1960s. The film is set in 1944. (00:38:20)


Revealing mistake: When Ofelia is giving the mandrake two drops of blood, you can see that she is squeezing a clear tube between her fingers. (01:05:51)

Continuity mistake: The Captain has a piece of gauze on his wounded cheek, and over time, the gauze has a small amount of blood, to a lot, back to a little, and back and forth.


Continuity mistake: When the Captain is stitching his facial wound, the camera pans down to Ofelia hiding by his table, revealing that there is no blood on the Captain's clothing. Seconds later, the Captain approaches the table wearing bloodstained clothing (from the earlier scene with Mercedes). (01:38:20 - 01:39:05)

Ofelia: Mercedes, do you believe in fairies?
Mercedes: No. When I was a little girl, I did. I believed in a lot of things I don't believe anymore.
Ofelia: Last night a fairy visited me.

More quotes from Pan's Labyrinth

Trivia: In a recent interview del Toro said that he tried to create subtle parallels between the "real world" and the fantasy world. One example of this is in the scene where Captain Vidal's dinner guests arrive in the rainstorm; the umbrellas they use are very similar to the heaving black flesh of the Giant Toad.

More trivia for Pan's Labyrinth

Question: Could Ofelia's second task possibly have been to kill the Pale Man? Because after she retrieved the dagger the faeries flew towards the Pale Man before Ofelia picked the grape.

Answer: I saw nothing in the movie indicating that. Ofelia's task seemed to be to retrieve the blade, she failed because she didn't follow Pan's instructions about not touching the food.


More questions & answers from Pan's Labyrinth

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