Casino Royale
Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In a scene towards the end of the movie, where Bond and Vesper are lying on the beach, Bond has sand on his back throughout most of the scene. When they start to kiss, in the distant shot towards the end of the scene, he has no sand on his back at all. (01:57:10)

Continuity mistake: When Bond enters his password in the casino, he enters 836547. He later gives the password as VESPER, which on an alphanumeric keypad would be 837737. (01:07:55)

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just after Vesper has shocked James, the lead connecting the defibrillator to the chest pad can be seen to have come loose. When the camera cuts back to James, the lead has been reconnected. Note, this is after the shock, not the disconnected lead that forms the drama. (01:33:50)

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the chase at Miami airport, the gas truck gets shot at and the rear tires blow. When Bond slides the truck to a halt, the tires are fully inflated again. (00:48:35 - 00:50:20)

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond is being tortured in the seatless wicker chair, in one shot when you look at the right side of Bond's face the blood is running in an unbroken line down his face. The next shot where you see his face the blood has been smudged, but in the next shot, where you see his right cheek, the blood is running unbroken again. This happens a few times in this scene. (01:51:10)

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the Poker game between Bond and Dimitrios the chips change place during shots. Most noticeable on Dimitrios' small stack (two black chip stacks and one green) in the overhead shots they are on the black line of the table carpet, in the shots from the sides, they are in between two black lines. The same is with Dimitrios' cards and his good luck token. (00:31:50)

Ronnie Bischof

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene in Miami at the Body World exhibit when Dimitri leaves the baggage tag for the second bomber the position of the baggage tag changes between shots. (00:41:20)

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the scene where Bond rolls the Aston Martin, during the wide shot just as the car finishes the last roll, the windshield is still on the car. In fact you can see the windshield fall back into a "normal" position. However, when the shot changes to the close-up of Bond in the car the windshield is no longer there. (01:46:40)

Continuity mistake: When Carlos the bomber goes through the security door at Miami airport, he enters the door from a brightly lit area. We then cut to him emerging from the door - behind the door is completely dark. We then cut back to the door closing from the other side, showing that it's definitely intended to be the same door.


Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the Ugandan freedom fighter's hut, the commander is playing pinball when Le Chiffre arrives. His game score clicks over to 1049 as he hands the machine to a young boy. In the next shot of the boy playing the score is somewhere in the 500's only. (00:06:55)

Continuity mistake: During the 1st break of the big game Bond is all covered with blood and his hands and face are wounded. After he washes the blood and changes his shirt he returns to the game and his wounds are healed.

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end where the building gets destroyed, in one of the shots on top of the destroyed building, Bond is looking at Vesper and her head is facing to the left. However in the very next shot and for a few more shots, her head is suddenly facing straight up at Bond. (02:17:25)


Continuity mistake: In the surveillance room at the club in Bahamas there is a clock in the background on the wall that reads 12.16. In the second shot the clock suddenly changes to 12.21. (00:27:10)

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: After the torture scene, just after La Chiffre says he will feed Bond his "parts" you hear a scream from within the ship and then a gunshot. The camera shot then focuses on the ship's hatch. The handle on this door has changed from when the rest of the group went into the ship. The handle is now pointed to the right in the open position instead of straight up as it was when they locked the door. Just before "Mr. White" comes out of the hatch, you can hear the sound of the handle moving to the open position without any movement of the handle.

Continuity mistake: When Bond is following Vesper, when he turns right to follow her through the alleyway the street behind him gets a lot more populated between shots.


Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the first scene in M's flat the glass coffee table changes position. When we first see the coffee table it is square to the rug and fire place, however in the next shots it has been moved approximately 45 degrees to the right. (00:24:20)

Continuity mistake: In the poker scene where Le Chiffre beats Bond with having four Jacks vs Bond's full house of Aces and Kings, we first see Bond having the Ace and King of spades, but when he reveals his cards they have changed. We now see Bond with the Ace and King of hearts.

Casino Royale mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond sees Vesper sitting in the shower, after they have killed the two Ugandan rebels, the shower screen is completely clear (or may have been removed to give the shot more impact), but then has huge droplets on it when he joins her. (01:24:00)

Continuity mistake: During the scene inside the sinking building in Venice, at 2:10:40, there is a shot of one of the floors collapsing. This allows debris, tools, ropes, rags, etc, to fall through the floor. 22 seconds later (2:11:02) they show another scene of a floor collapsing. This is the same event but has been shot from a different angle. If you look carefully, the same black rags can be seen getting hung up on one of the boards as the debris falls. (02:10:40)

Factual error: In the scenes at Miami Airport, you see numerous CSA planes (Czech Airlines). Czech Airlines offer no direct flights to Miami. However, Prague Airport, where this scene was shot, is full of CSA planes. (00:44:50)

More mistakes in Casino Royale

James Bond: Sorry, that last hand nearly killed me.

More quotes from Casino Royale

Trivia: In the film, Bond says to M, "So you want me to be half-monk, half-hitman." This is a reference to the character John Ballard (played by Daniel Craig) in the 1998 film "Elizabeth".

More trivia for Casino Royale

Question: According to Wikipedia, a "disused spa", the Kaiserbad, was supposed to be used as the exterior of the Casino Royale. I found a picture: and the "Grandhotel Pupp serving as the "Hotel Splendide" where Bond stays during his time in Montenegro." I only recall seeinng the Pupp, thinking that building was both the casino and the hotel. When the players go to their rooms, I thought they were in the same building, but apparently not.

Answer: Nope, in the movie the hotel and casino were not in the same building.


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